Sunday, December 4, 2011

Positive Thinking

The term "Positive Thinking" originated with Norman Vincent Peale back in the 1950's.  Positive Thinking is not "faith".  If you had been on the Titanic when it went down, all of the positive thinking that you could muster up would not have saved you!  So, what is the difference?   Hebrews 11:1 says that faith is the substance of things not yet has substance and positive thinking is only a thought.  Is there anything wrong with positive words?  No, we should speak them constantly to build up the believers or as a parent, to build up our children.

Confusing the two though can be the difference between a true doctrine and a false one.  Kenneth Copeland believes if you speak it, those words will come to pass.  He is a false teacher and this is not the doctrine of Jesus.  People who use positive thinking to accomplish what faith does will always be disappointed.

Faith is simply trusting God.   

Sunday, November 13, 2011

His Plan

"What is God's Plan for your life?"  The pastor had asked this many times before, but today it seemed to purge me for an answer.  I don't do anything spectacular or eye catching for the Lord.  Thoughts of my friend of old started a wedding chapel in her church and books weddings.  The pastor give Godly counsel to those who want to be married in the chapel.  Suddenly I was really down in my Spirit.

What was His plan for me?  The Holy Spirit's answer was simple and yet a long life time of work in progress.  John 6:29...Jesus answered, "The work of God is this:  that you believe in the one whom He has sent."  His plan is that we become like Jesus.  It involves living with our focus on Christ.  It involves living Holy lives which prepares us for eternity.  It involves having a heart for Christ and His wants.

That is His plan for my life and then I will enter that eternal place where all things will be made known to me!  Praise the Lord!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Joyce Meyers

Is Joyce Meyers a false teacher?  There are a couple of scriptures that will prove she is certainly out of line when it comes to the order inside of God's government here on earth.  It is very clear in I Timothy 2:12 that women cannot usurp authority over a man or teach a man out of scripture.  Women are only allowed to teach other women...Titus 2:3-5.

It is getting more popular for women on television to start their own ministries.  According to scripture, they are not aligned with God's Word.  Are they false teachers?  I can say that they are not obeying what the scriptures teach.  I would call this a great lack of discernment on their part.  Many things are being done for the Lord out of the flesh and when that happens, we need to take a good look at these teachers.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

One More

One more thought on the Cross of Calvary.  I like to travel back in time and reflect upon the Cross.  It is a journey that fills me with deep thoughts about eternity.  We are a people who are about the business of the day.  We hurry to and fro giving very little thought to mortality.  Jesus said that He must be about My Father's business...Luke 2:49.

What does it mean for us to be about the Father's business?  In I John 3:10 gives the answer.  We are to be about the business of practicing righteosness.  The definition of righteousness is:  justice and it refers to following the ways of God.  We can find His ways in His Word that is alive and will last forever!  Amen.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


How do we handle a struggle in our lives that comes from Satan?  He has no power over the child of God, but oh, can he harass!  I read a great book this week that talked about the sovereignty of God in this world.  EVERYTHING is under Christ!  The Holy Spirit is actually retaining the destruction of this world until the time when He takes the children of God to be with Christ!

It is an awesome thought, is it not?  If not for the blessed hand of God through His Holy Spirit Satan could squash us like a bug!  The devil's goal is to kill, only he can't do that to the child of God....he can tempt us and destroy our testimony!  It is very comforting that Satan cannot touch me unless God allows him to do so.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you...James 4:7.  Resist (wrestle) and he will leave!  The definition of "flee" is to "run away"....that old devil will run away from you!

Friday, October 7, 2011


The definition of the word "trick" is to perform an act of mischief.  The dictionary also adds that it is the destroying of personal property.  This article is not about halloween, but rather how we have come to accept things in this society that really teaches children that to destroy is a harmless "trick".  They are also learning that a certain behavior that used to be wrong, is now okay with the endorsement of their parents.

The word "trick" also means a threat.  I have to admit that even many Christians are immune to the word.  It is considered cute.  In the last days good will be known as evil and evil will be known as good...Isaiah 5:20.  We are without a doubt living in the last days my friend.  The word "trick" also means darkness

Jesus is the light of the world...John 8:12.  In Him there is no "darkness"....I John 1:5.  Amen.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I Wish

I wish I could go back and change so many things in my life.  If it were possible my list of priorities might look something like this:  Date more than a couple of months before getting married, be a great mother, be satisfied with my life, and find Christ early in my youth.  Oh, but would I really go back?  No, I don't think so.  There is nothing so valuable to me now as every moment experienced.  Does that sound naive?

After the Lord came into my life, those life experiences are worth more than gold to me.  God has instilled in me the ability to sorrow for the lost and for those who suffer from sin.  My past life has equipped me to know what is important after salvation comes.  I know how to pray for myself and others who are struggling with the devil.  No, there is no way under heaven that I would ever go back!

Thank you Jesus for every day of my life, the sorrows and the joys.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Who Am I?

I am everywhere.  I am hot.  You hate me when I show up.   I can move faster than a race car at high speed.  I am faceless.  I really like to trouble the waters.  I can be ordered to be still.  Christopher Columbus knew me.  I am a mystery.  I love to make you sad.   Who Am I?  Have you guessed the answer yet?

I am a spirit.  There are so many of me no one can count!  We are commanded to try the spirits to see if they be of God or not...I John 4:1. The devil is a great immitator of the Holy Spirit, so how do we know what is true and what is not?  How do we "try" a spirit?  The Church is commanded to do it.  In the days of the old covenant a prophet was tried by his words.  If they came to pass, he was from the Lord.  Today is the day of deception under the new covenant, so trying a spirit is really listening to what comes out of a person's mouth.  The great preacher "Watchman Nee"  would listen to a person for two hours before he would consider allowing him to become a member of his Church.

Our mouth speaks out of the abundance of our heart....Luke 6:45.  Why did Christopher Columbus hate the evil spirits?  Because they would do all to hinder His great discovery of this country!  We should also hate with a perfect hatred those things that belong to darkness. 


Thursday, September 22, 2011


Had myself an encounter with the devil today.  I have been a child of God for over thirty years and it never ceases to amaze me of the things that go on inside the Church out of ignorance!  (II Corinthians 2:11) I will begin with this question:  "What is a dowser?"  Very few know about this little instrument which is controlled by evil forces. 

We went to a used clothing store today and I was up front looking at the counter when the lady who owned the store got a call on her cell phone.  This lady was in her sixties and that will be good to know later.  She told the person on the phone that she had just gotten a fresh batch of dowsers in from her friend.  Of course, she had my attention.  She then reached up and got one and asked me if I had ever seen one of those.  That rascally old devil.  When you are confronted with witchcraft you stomp on it like you would a black widow spider.

I asked her if she knew that it was of witchcraft.  She replied, " there is good witchcraft and bad witchcraft"...she was  quick to defend the evil thing in her hand.  I asked her to do some research on dowsers in the light of Godly information.  She said she had. I asked her if she was saved...she told me she was a Baptist. :(

My husband and I walked out of the store and trust me I could not get out of there fast enough.  A dowser is equal to a Quiji Board.  Let us consider that the Church is in need of discernment.  Let us also examine ourselves to rid our own lives of any ignorance that abides in our lives that goes against the Holy Father in Heaven!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Many Christians ponder the puzzle of sickness in this world.  It is a huge subject and by no means do I have the answer.  However, I do have a scripture that can make it better for you and me...Romans 8:28 "All things work together for good...".  We also have the hope of being healed.  Jesus still heals today, whether it be an instant touch of His hand or through medicine. 

We hardly ever consider the next verse Romans 8:29.  The two go together and is quite interesting..."For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren".  He knew us before we were formed in our mother's wombs!  He has orchestrated every moment of our lives so that we might be like Jesus.  What a wonderful thought!  This life is temporary and I want to be like Jesus.  No matter what, there is no evil in God!

"Dear Lord Jesus...Help us to think on these things day and night.  We are traveling through this world into the next, let us do it with the likeness of Jesus.  In His name we do pray and consent".  Amen

Friday, September 16, 2011

Foul Play

Inside the confines of this country and its' habitat lies a giant god!  This god is worshipped by unbelievers and the Church as well.  He is powerful and people thirst after him with great hunger!  So many bow down to this evil god and the devil is laughing all the way to the stadium.  You guessed it didn't you....Sports.  It even takes precedence over the address of the President to the country! 

I wonder how the Lord feels about this evil god?  In the first commandment He says we are to have no other gods before Him!  We can see the terrible destruction that come upon Israel in the Old Testament when they turned away from the One True Living God!  Will the Lord abide with our worshipping this evil god?  He truly is patient with us, but a day is coming when He will reveal to us exactly how He will deal with us about it!

"Dear Jesus...this god is a giant among us and I pray that you will put it in its proper place.  I pray that your children will stay away from the big time sports and put it in perspective.  Baseball left to the community.  We pray for mercy in Your name".  Amen

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Bell Tolls

"For Whom the Bell Tolls" is a novel written about the Spanish Civil War.  What if the bell of heaven rang for you today?  What if your number was up today?  Where would you spend eternity?  The usual answers would be...I go to church...I have been going to church since I was a woman told me she was born a Methodist!  Some others will believe the lie that just being a good person will get you through the pearly gates, like the Pharisees thought.  I know there would be a ton of answers to this question, but what is the real answer?

There is a war going on right now for your soul!  If we could see this war all around us, we would fall down at the feet of Jesus and repent, thirsting for salvation.  We would also understand  that we were born into sin and we need the Savior.  This is truth!  It would be a scary thing if the bell tolled for us today and our souls would be found trusting in these lies about eternity.  Romans 3:12 says, "All have turned aside: together they have become worthless.  No one does good.  No, not one".  ESV

"Dear Father in us to see, in faith, the war that is raging around us and in the heavenlies for mankind.  Help us to consider the bell that will someday toll for each one of us.  Let us consider the truth inside God's Word and say Amen to it.  In the everlasting name of Jesus Christ I do pray".  Amen.


Saturday, September 10, 2011


God tells us in Mark 12:28-31 that "we are to love our neighbor as ourselves".  How do we love ourselves?  We are very patient with our shortcomings.  We make sure we are fed and in this country maybe too much attention is paid to that one!  We make sure that we are clothed.  We make sure that we have medicine.  We are kind to ourselves. 

We give generously to the starving across the world and that is good, but what about the person next door to us?  Do we speak a word about Jesus to those who are starving for salvation?  Why are we afraid to tell them about our Savior?  There are many excuses, but what can we do about it?  Do we have to be on a mountain top to tell someone about Jesus?  We love ourselves and forget about the soul of our neighbor?  May God help us to overcome such a thing inside of us!

When the opportunity arises, speak to that person.  They can only think you are peculiar, which God says in His word we are supposed to be anyhow!  Your spiritual life may not be up to snuff, but go ahead and feel like a hypocrite...only speak to them who are perishing!

"Father in Heaven...forgive us for the times we have walked by and missed the opportunity you gave us to share your salvation that only the suffering on the Cross could  provide.  Give us a boldness through the Holy Spirit to rescue the perishing in the name of Jesus Christ".  Amen.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Small Things

Atoms are the smallest things in the world.  Inside the atom there are electrons, protons, and neutrons.  How marvelous is God's creation!  Are there any small things in your life?  We could think of a kind word or deed done in the name of Christ.  The enemy comes to us and says, "You are not much to the Kingdom of God".  Sometimes we sink in our spirit and agree with that old devil!  Are we not to do great and mighty things for the Lord?

In Zechariah 410 it says, "For who has despised the day of small things"?  The mission of Satan is to dismay thereby defeat us!  Is there anything more precious than a word 'fitly' spoken to someone to lift their burden?  No, and to some degree this is a gift.  Let us pray for that gift!  In such a day as this when our fight against the powers of darkness are so great, we need those who can lift us up with a golden word to rid the dismay.

"Dear Father in heaven...see us in our times of defeat.  Let us be that someone who can lift Spirits with that word 'fitly' spoken in the name of Christ.  Give us tongues of flaming fire, tongues that will refresh the child of God!  In the precious name of Christ we ask".  Amen.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


In 1987 a family came to me seeking childcare for their children.  I agreed to care for two girls and one little boy, five years old.  The step-father held a great resentment toward the children.  The biological father lived in Oklahoma and one day the oldest girl wanted me to call him because it had been such a long time since she had talked with her Dad.  My heart went out to her so after finding the number I called and he was delighted to hear from her!  A short conversation and then she hung up;  she was in tears because she loved him.  She was also happy that she had at last got to talk with her Dad.

It was a special week for me and for them.   I remember the little boy telling me out of the blue that he had never been special to anyone.  This broke my heart and I told him how special he was to God who created him.  I pray that God did something with that moment.

We are special to the God who created us!  In Revelation 4:11 it says that "we were created for His pleasure".  I thank God that He is my biological Father...He knit me together in my mothers womb...Psalm 139...Satan was my step-father until I was twenty-nine years old!  Thank you dear Heavenly Father that my name is written in the Lamb's book of life...I am special.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

French Hat

During WWII a good friend of mine, who passed away years ago, lived in France to be near her husband.  Georgia was in her late seventies when I met her and she was filled with stories of her life in France and the war.  She was a soul in dire straights.  What do I mean?  We can be someone who loves the Lord in a crowd, but when we are alone at night the dark shadows of doubt can torment us. 

Georgia told me that she did not know if she was saved and she wanted to know how she could know if she indeed had salvation.  In I John 5:13 we see that John was encouraging those who had believed in Jesus that they were saved.  Satan is the author of doubt.  If you embrace Jesus Christ as Savior of your soul and love His Word, you are indeed saved from your sin and an eternal hell created for the devil. 

After recently going through a tornado, some things were saved and one of those was a little black hat that Georgia gave to me that she had purchased in France.  The hat will always remind me that I know I am in Christ and He has forgiven my sins.  Saved!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

How Old?

It never ceases to amaze me that most people think the Church is the building.  I talked to a woman today who informed me that they had celebrated the 175th anniversary of their church!  Just think of that, her Church is only 175 years old.  My Church is over two millenniums old.  The Church is the Body of Christ, it is not built with brick and mortar, but it is founded on the revelation that Jesus Christ is the Son of God....He is the Christ!

This revelation can only come from the Heavenly Father, Matthew 16:17...Jesus answered (Peter) and said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah (Peter), for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in Heaven".  Praise God!  Thank you dear Father that you were revealed unto me!  Thank you for saving my soul!

"Dear Father in Heaven...You are amazing and one day the whole living and dead existing will bow their knee to You!  Thank you for Jesus and the Cross FOREVER! Amen.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cutting Thoughts

I went to the funeral of a relative today.  It was held in a Church.  The last funeral I attended was in 1984, my mother's.  What happens when you are in a place where the presence of God is absent?  It is soul chilling and you find yourself wanting to run away, seeking to escape the world who believes that they are on their way to heaven.

It is not for me to judge any one's salvation, but when the fellowship in the Spirit is not there, something is deadly wrong!  I wanted to weep in my Spirit for the sadness of people bound for hell.  The stench was choking the air in the room.  The sadness was deep and cutting into my thoughts.  It was not my place to preach and yet in my spirit I fell to my knees wanting to escape all of the hypocrisy!  Stay close Lord Jesus.

"Heavenly those who can be saved in the name of Christ!  Forgive me for joining in on the conversations of the lost.  Forgive me for grieving the Holy Spirit.  The person was dead and no one thought on eternity.  Did he go to hell?  Help me Lord to get my focus back on You and let the dead bury the dead.  Amen.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Three Faces?

Would you please do me the favor of praying before you read this.  In the last decade there is a new term in Christian counseling that has arrived.  It is being called "Fractured Personalities".  "There is nothing new under the sun"...Ecclesiastes 1:9.  The core of this practice calls for all of these personalities in a person diagnosed with this disorder to accept Christ.  This is actually taking place in the area of Christian counseling and it is a very disturbing thing to me; is it truth or is it a way to make money?  Or is it just people who have been mislead?

In 1957 the movie "The Three faces of Eve" broke out into the realm of mental illness studies.  The mental health community questioned the thought of more than one personality until they agreed upon it in 1975.  Can a born-again Christian have more than one personality?  The Christian counselors are saying "yes" to this idea.  I believe in demons, but in another way.  They cannot dwell in a Christian for there is no evidence of this in the New Testament.  Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary Magdalene, but that was when he first met her.

Demons can harass a child of God and tempt, but the Christian ultimately makes the choice to sin or not.  We have one spirit and one soul, with emphasis on "one".  After you read this information, I implore you to do much reading on the subject of MPD inside the Christian realm so you will not be mislead.  This is God's will that we be filled with His wisdom. 

May the Lord bless you in all truth!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

It Is Well

In 1873 the ship "Ville de Havre" collided with "The Lochearn".  The man who wrote the great hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" was "Horatio G. Spafford".  He was born in 1828 and died in 1888.  Somehow down through history we have been told that his wife and four daughters perished on the Titanic in 1912.  The truth is, his wife survived on deck when a plank fell and knocked her unconscious, but their daughters drowned.  Nine days later she sent a telegram to Horatio and it simply said, "Saved Alone".  Later, on another ship voyage, when they passed over the waters that swallowed the ship his daughters were on, he did write "It is Well With My Soul".

In any case, God used their tragedy in order to write a hymn that has weathered almost two centuries in order to comfort so many when trials have come our way.  Horatio's faith in the Lord has inspired millions to come through so many sorrows!  They were very close friends of DL Moody.  Thank God for those who have come before us who have lived a great faith in God so that we might be encouraged!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Flying Frisbee

When a "friend" disappoints us it can be very heartbreaking.  I have a special friend who advised me to "spin it off" and let the Lord have the hurt.  People will often throw us a sharp curve now and then... maybe God lets them do it.  Perhaps we get our focus off of Him and rely too much on others.  Maybe.  Whatever the reason, it is good to let it spin off like a frisbee up toward the Lord.  We should let all of cares fly upward into His care.

As I look back over my years, the times of bringing heartbreak to others due to my actions have been many.  We hurt others and they hurt is the way of a sin sick world.  We can strive not to though, we must.  "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit"...Ephesians 4:30.

"Dear Jesus...teach us more about your precious Holy Spirit so that we may know the serious command in Ephesians.  Forgive us for the times when we have made Him sorry and perhaps even made Him cry over our souls.  Teach us dear Father".  Amen.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Is Jesus Real?

Is Jesus real?  We know from the Josephus history accounts that He did indeed live.  We know that over five hundred people saw Him after His resurrection.  We know that He fulfilled all of the prophecies concerning the Savior to come.  It has been said that the odds of only one man doing this cannot even be calculated.

He lives in the world through His Holy Spirit.  Even if we could see Jesus walking the streets today, who would believe Him?  Because we cannot hear Him talk, we very Christians often doubt His existence.  God is strong, He can take our doubts and still work His will in us.  When the doubts come, do not be discouraged...Isaiah 41:10.

"Dear Father in Heaven....replace our doubts with faith in your Word.  Help us to heed your Word and obey it.  Help us to live in victory and not in doubt".  Amen.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Dark Love

Would you rather be happy or sad?  This is a legitimate question.  Believe it or not many prefer to be sad.  In all of the Harry Potters' books the endings have been sad... the last books' ending was happy?  I don't read evil books like that, but this information was gathered from an article.  What is so intriguing about sadness that would cause multitudes of our young people in the Church to be drawn to dark things?  Why are they not being drawn to the light?  Let us pray for it! 

At the fall of man Adam lived in a sad and dark world.  The world loves sadness.  We can see it in the all too popular Soap Operas!  If we seek dark things, we are not saved dear friend.  If we are afraid to be happy, we need to ask the Lord for a renewal of our minds.  The Holy Spirit is willing, so let us pray this way:     

"Dear Lord Jesus...let us seek your light!  Let us dwell on things that are lovely, right, and pure".  Illumine our minds with your Holy Spirit".  Amen.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Golden Rule

The famous quote, "Do unto others as we would have them do unto us" comes from the Bible...Matthew 7:12..."Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets...".  The world has taken it and made it a secular moral.  A faceless moral with no authority behind it.  I really like the ISV of this scripture: "Therefore whatever you want people to do for you do the same for them, because this summarizes the Law and the Prophets".   Most of the time we think we are doing good and then someone violates our behavior and they become our enemy.  We do not wish them well, but for  a moment we burn with disgust.  We even feel hate and Jesus said if we hate a person it is the same as murder.  So, how do we respond to this feeling of anger in the eyes of the Lord?  The truth is that none of us are nice.  Oh, but you say, "I am a very nice person".  The Cross of Calvary shines a very bright light exposing the truth about us!

We almost never do unto others as we would have them do unto us!  Now, let us ponder the thought that most of the time we live in our flesh, we do not behave like children of the living God at all.

"Dear Heavenly me to love others even when they hate me.  Forgive me for all of the times that I have felt hate for anyone.  Help me to walk in the nature of Holy Spirit who displays kindness, gentleness, goodness, patience, love, joy, peace, faithfulness, and self-control"...Galatians 5:22-23. Amen.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Your Legacy

What will people say about you at your funeral?  I once heard of a preacher who called in another preacher to do the eulogy because he had known the dead man to be an habitual liar!  What will others think about us who claimed to know the Lord and who lived like the devil?  These legacies people leave will cause many to go to hell. 

What do you want your legacy to be?  This is what I want people to think of me:  honest, soft-spoken, compassionate, thoughtful, loving, a good friend, understanding, one who gives encouragement, giving, and with the emphasis on "she was a real Child of God".  This legacy will glorify God and cause some to know Christ. 

"Dear Lord know that my tongue is sharp and I fall short in so many of these things, but it is my prayer that your Holiness would work in me so that a legacy honoring You might follow me in death and beyond".  Amen.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The more we try not to be stressed out, the more we seem to let it control us.  It is an age old problem and no one has not dealt with it.  The picture above is what we desire and yet are so far away from applying it to our lives.  What is the answer? 

There are two kinds of stress.  One is the normal of getting things done in the day that needs to be accomplished.  The other one is abnormal and is called "worry".  This came like a kidney punch to me, but 'worry' is really a sin!  It is not trusting in the Lord for situations in our lives.  I have lived in worry for so long it has been justified in my mind under so many names.  After seeking God in prayer about this sin, it has been like fighting the enemy who wants to destroy every part of me!  Satan hates it when we seek God.

"Dear Lord Jesus...please help me to take one day at a time and stop swallowing the future with uncertain fears of what might happen.  You said to deal with the day at hand for the evil is sufficient enough for us".  Help me to rely on you to help me conquer the evil of this day and not all of the tomorrows".  Amen.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Not a Dream

I read somewhere the other day that "Christianity is a battle, not a dream".  The apostle Paul called us 'soldiers'.  The battle is hard and the enemy fights day and night against us.  The good news is that Jesus said "be of good cheer for I have overcome the world"...John 16:33.  Very seldom are we of good cheer though and it grieves my soul that I am troubled and lack so much faith in Him when things do not go my way.

Time after time I have seen Him make a way for me in situations that are dire and yet when they arise again my fear returns.  Once again He makes a way and I am relieved.  If this is not your experience I would love to hear from you.  His love for us is so gracious and yet we find it hard to accept.  So many times I have pondered as to why He would even love me?  Why would He bother?  His love is immersed in blood and yet we wallow in doubt.

"Dear Heavenly Father....forgive us our times of shirking your word and letting fear consume us!  Replace our doubt with knowing who we are in Christ!  This is the key, so hear my prayer Lord Jesus and fill us with this great knowing that you are our Father".  Amen.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Keep Swimming

I love this picture because it says so much to the Christian who is stuck in a situation beyond our control.  We have two choices.  We can give up and go back to the world or we can be still and keep on waiting for the Lord to answer.  It is easy to give up, but what will that gain us in the long run?  Waiting on God is hard, but in the end when the answer comes, our soul will say "it was worth it" beyond anything we could imagine!

This is my prayer..."Dear Lord...give me wisdom to keep on swimming for I do not want to ever abandon you.  The precious Holy Spirit will keep us for we are sealed in Grace until the day of redemption.  Thank you Father for this wonderful promise!  In the name of Jesus Christ".  Amen.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Not All That Glitters

If you are a parent then you know that little children love things that glitter.   The curiosity of this word got the best of me.  The definition of 'glitter' is: "to be superficially attractive or exciting".  The old saying "All that glitters is not gold" may apply to our flesh that is so often desiring the flashy things of this world. 

If we could see the cesspool of this world and how ugly it is due to sin, I wonder would we not get sick to our stomachs!  To live without God is like a child living for glitter that is passing away.  Acts 3:6 "Then Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk".

He is all we need in this world.  If we put Him first, then He will take care of every need we have!  Matthew 6:33.  Satan will tempt you with glitter of every kind, but if you say no to the flesh and yes to Jesus you shall live in His Holiness!         

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Family is a wonderful gift from the Lord.  In the beginning God ordained it.  Adam and Eve were instructed to multiply.  I am a mother so I love my children with a bond from the Lord that cannot be broken.  To hear a child say "I love you" are words filled with joy.  God is great in that He created the family!

The child of God has another family.  It is an eternal one that will never end.  In this family there is the precious bond of sharing God and everything that concerns Him!  They love you with a heavenly love.  The fellowship between the brothers and sisters in Christ are precious.  Who can explain it?  We will live together in eternity forever in that place where King David said "there are pleasures forever more".


Friday, July 29, 2011

When We Hurt

After the Joplin Tornado in May of this year, there is still a lot of clean up work to be done.   They have  a long way to go before they can rebuild.  This got me to thinking about a different kind of hurt.  One that drives us away from the very One who created all things.  Oh, the hurt may be kinder in your life than someone else, but still our Lord Jesus tenderly looks after it with concern.   Psalms 138:8  says that He will perfect everything that concerns us.  He will restore us daily as a medicine that heals.

He will fix our hurts and He will talk to us about them if we listen.  He will be the doctor of our soul tending to every need we have in this life!  This world is a dump and the war is ugly in the heavenlies!  We are in that war which someday when we see Him face to face we will understand all of the sorrows.  Who could hurt more than someone loosing a child to death?  It must be the worst kind of hurt that exists, and yet He longs to help. 

We have been called to a great purpose!  Not one of fine cars and houses, but His purpose which is to save those who can be saved from eternal hell. 

"Dear Lord us to focus on what will transpire after we take our last breath.  Help us to think on eternal things for the sake of the Cross.  Help us to be obedient to the Holy Spirit.  We are weak Father, but through your strength we can do all things through Christ who empowers us!  Thank you Jesus for your loving care this day and in all the days forever to come".  Amen.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


The Son of God is revealed only to those who believe in Him.  Many will say, "Oh, I know that Jesus is the Son of God"...but do they?  The Son of God, Jesus, is revealed to people today the same way as He was two thousand years ago.  The world knows about Jesus, but until He is revealed to them they are still dead in their sins and without salvation.

What happens when Jesus is revealed to a person?  The definition of "revealed" is to make known through Divine inspiration.  That is done through the Holy Spirit.  We cannot understand this, it is a mystery and then when it happens we know the truth of Jesus! 

"Dear Heavenly Father....thank you so much that Jesus was revealed to me so many years ago!  Thank you for your mercy!  Thank you for your salvation!  Thank you that my name is written in the Lamb's book of Life!  Thank you for saving me from me from an eternity in hell!  Thank you Father God that I will live forever with You!"  Amen

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


In the early 1960's there was a movement proclaiming that God was dead.  They have gone to their place by now.  How do I know that He is alive?  How do you know that He is alive?  It is your testimony that proves He is alive and well!  Over a billion people around the world have come to know Christ.  Think of that, over a billion...why?

A billion testimonies that Jesus Christ is Lord!  It is too amazing to think about!  Why are there so many people who believe in Jesus and the Cross?  There is only one answer, He was who He said He was!  He changes hearts and lives by His Holy Spirit!!!!  How marvelous to know the God who created you!!!!  How wonderful that He would lay down His life for us!  He is alive and your testimony counts!  Your testimony is precious!  It is a living thing and will live on forever!!

This is my prayer: "Precious Lord Jesus...thank you for giving me a testimony!  It testifies to who you are and how big your plan of salvation is for the world!  Thank you for the blessings of knowing you!  Who am I that I should be loved by You"?  Amen.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Good Intentions

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"...John Ray...1670.  This is a much debated statement over the centuries and some even say it in the Bible.  I searched for it and could not find it.  My belief is that our flesh is filled with "wants" to do things for God.  We fail easy and therefore I do not believe that we are held accountable for wanting to do something for the Lord and failing to follow through.  It has been my experience that what God wills in us to do will be done and without any reservation on our part.

It is like wanting to give to every charity organization who does a great work for Christ.  It is better to choose the charity closest to your heart and go with that one.  Mine is missions and Right to Life.  When you see starving children on television while you are eating dinner, a great wave of guilt most likely will come over you.  It may be that this is where you are to give, but the safer way is to stay with what is closest to your heart.  God is working in the world and He has not forgotten anyone!  We need not jump to the beat of a commercial that would cause us guilt.  If you do give to a world organization to help, make sure of their creed!  UNICEF is evil for they give to planned parenthood.

Rejecting Christ is the road to hell.  It is the only road to hell.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  The apostle Paul said that our lives were living epistles!  Some people say they will never go to Church because there are too many hypocrites there.  The definition of the word 'hypocrite' in the Hebrew is: "godless".  There are only two kinds of people in Church...saved and unsaved.  Jesus said that the tares would be planted by the enemy among the wheat...Matthew 13:25.  Tares are the unsaved and wheat are the saved.

Jesus used the word hypocrite only to describe the religious leaders of His day.  They were refusing to believe that He was the Son of God and always sought to kill Him.  He never called anyone else hypocrites.  We as Christians can sin and do, but we are quick to repent and ask forgiveness from the Father!  I saw a bumper sticker just recently that said, 'not perfect, just forgiven'...Christians will never be perfect like the world (lost) expects us to be.  We are being watched by the world however, so it would behoove us to obey the Lord so that others might see our lives as righteous.  Then we will be a truly  living epistle to the world!

This is my prayer: "Dear Lord Jesus...please keep the evil one from me.  Help me to resist the devil so I might not sin.  Help me to be a living epistle of righteousness for you every moment.  Help me to put on the whole armor of God so that I will be able to withstand the darkness who wants to kill my testimony, steal my joy, and destroy my relationship with you".  In the name of Jesus Christ I do pray...Amen.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What Is It Like?

What is it like to be born again in the Spirit?  Your conscience becomes alive to the living God.  Some people experience a dramatic change, like the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus.  Have you ever met someone famous?  It would be like meeting the most important person in the world, only you would have heavenly feelings of joy and that no man can describe!  Some who grow up in the Church struggle with the thought of being born again because they have heard all about Jesus  and feel as if they know Him.  Knowing about God and being born again is like the difference between day and night.

Jesus said,, "Unless you are born of the Spirit, you will never see the Kingdom of God"... John 3:3.  Seek Jesus and you will find Him.  If you have grown up in the Church there must be a specific time where you can point to and say, yes this is when I met God.  If you cannot do this, then you are still lost in your sins.  When your conscience becomes alive unto God, you are aware of sin.  It cannot be said any plainer than that!  God does not leave you at that point, He fills you with the reality of Him and that is the heavenly joy.

This my prayer:  "Dear Heavenly Father...thank you for my salvation!  How can I thank you with mere words for it?  I can only live with a grateful heart displaying to others that I belong to you.  Oh, God may I live so others will say, "she has been with Jesus".  Eternity awaits and someday I will see Him face to face.  Draw me ever nearer to you Father is the cry of my heart!  In the precious name of Jesus Christ I pray".  Amen. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Home Sweet Home

The origin of this saying was created by Edwin Forbes from a set of etches concerning the Civil War.  It was etched in 1876.  I have always thought this to be a warming statement, but to think it was connected with the War was a surprise to me.  Soldiers longing for home.  Longing to be safe.  Longing for family.  Lonely and wanting to feel loved.  The soldiers were desiring so many things of home.

We are soldiers in a war while in this flesh.  We fight against darkness...Ephesians 6:12.  This world is not our home, but whether it exists in a city far away in eternity.  We are pilgrims traveling through this world.  Dear Christian, don't get too comfortable for we are not in control of our lives.  Who can add a day to his own life?  We act as if we are capable of doing this though!  I am thinking about what living for Christ means today.

This is my prayer:  "Dear Heavenly Father....I am on my face in my spirit today Lord for I am ashamed that I have not confessed you in a way to impact those around me!  Allow me another day so that I might live more honorably for you" the name of Jesus Christ"...Amen.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where Could We Go?

"Where could I go but to the Lord"?  It is an old hymn, but echoes the cry of the heart when it is so burdened with the sorrows of this world!  King David once said, "Oh, that I were a bird so I could fly away from all of my problems".  When we stop to consider the great sorrows around us, we long as David did just to get away from it all.  We end up at the feet of Jesus every time, for there is no where else to go.

We pray for we want the Lord to deliver someone from great sorrow whom we love.  We pray that He will act quickly to eleve suffering of the one we love.  He hears our prayer if we have confessed all sin in our lives and come before Him with a believing heart.  We have seen Him do marvelous things in such a short time when we have sought His face with much diligence!

This is my prayer:  "Dear Heavenly Father....come quickly to rescue the one whom we love so dearly.  Hear my cry and deliver them.  Your mercy is great and delivering in times of trouble.  You are a Heavenly Father who weeps with His children.  You are not far from us, but ever so close.  Answer my prayer for I think I have prayed in the Holy Spirit.  In the blessed name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord forever".  Amen.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Cross

Who can understand the love of God that took Him to the Cross?  His love is not earthly, so we struggle with the receiving of it.  We fully accept the love from people, but why is it so hard for us to let God love us?  We can only know His love through the Holy Spirit and then time and time again we struggle to reach out and take it for our own.

The Cross is the ultimate demonstration of His love for us...more He could not do!  This thing of sin keeps us from fellowshiping with Him.  Even though we have asked forgiveness, we engage with the enemy who tells us that God does not love us now!  It is a lie and we know it is and yet we, for a short time, adhere to it as if it were true.  Oh, what a wretch that I am!  Repeating the same sin that besets me over and over!

This is my prayer:  "Dear Jesus...I struggle in this vessel of earthen clay!  Help me Father to have a heart that desires to know you!  The Apostle Paul said he had only one desire and that was to know Him (Jesus).  Let that be the cry of my heart also Lord.  In the name above all names, Jesus Christ".  Amen.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Love Letters

There are so many times when I feel unloved.  If you are a Christian reading this the following will not sound kosher to you, nonetheless I dare to write it.  Jesus makes it clear in His Word that He loves us....John 3:16....Romans 5:8 and the list is long.  When I feel like I am not wanted or loved I let Jesus talk to me and I write it down.  He tells me that I am lovely to Him and He cares for me beyond anything that I could ever think or imagine.  He gave me my red hair and my height...He knew me before I was formed in my mother's womb!  He gave me my personality and my laugh...and He knows when I am sad and when I am happy.

He says He thinks of me all the time...Psalms 139....He tells me He loves me with a heavenly love, not earthly that will pass away!  How would you like to get a love letter like that in the mail?  I rely on His Word as my love letters, especially Psalms 139!  He loves like no earthly father can or any husband can!  I am off to read another love letter from Jesus.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Good Times

During the great depression there was a man who went over Niagara Falls in a barrel and fell to his death.  Whether he did it for money or not we do not know, but such a waste.  Jesus has so much living water to give and yet we seek it not.  We praise Him in the good times and have a tendency to ignore him in the good times!  He longs to let the living water flow over us and we continue to live in the dessert most of our lives.

This is my prayer for today for anyone who reads this:  "Dear Heavenly Father...let our focus be on your kindness that flows from the Cross of Calvary.  May we forever keep our thoughts on eternal things even while we must attend to the things of the daily life.  May we see others as we pass by and consider their soul.  Let us say Thank you constantly out loud and in whispers.  Help us to consider what it meant for you to leave heaven for our sake.  In the precious name of your only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Amen, so be it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Girl With Curls

Little children are precious.  They are gifts from God.  Very young children will tell you like it is in any situation.  They will never hold grudges, but forgives quickly.  They will speak their minds even if it offends those who was not looking for the truth.  It is no wonder that Jesus said we must become as little children before we can enter into the Kingdom of God.  Trusting the Savior with child like thoughts pure and innocent.

Children coming unto a certain age will no longer have these traits.  As I think back on the day I sat in that fourth grade class and stared at the girl with the beautiful curls.  I was jealous and coveted those curls.  Children coming of age need the Savior with the understanding that they are in need of forgiveness from the one who died for the world.  Inside the Church we are afraid to speak to children in this manner.  We have been deceived into thinking that young children cannot understand what sin is or have a relationship with God.  Children of missionaries of old had knowledge of these things.  We must never take up with the thought that children are unable to comprehend sin and the Savior.

Monday, July 4, 2011


The Lord loved flowers and in every color imaginable!  Who can explain a flower?  We can explain the process of it's growth, but who can explain it?  I want to go even further and ask you to explain to me the wonderful scent of a bunch of violets!  We can't see the scent nor can we touch it.  We can no more explain this than we can the love between a man and a woman.

When I look at Creation the word 'accident' is such a slap in the face of the Creator!  I want to go even further and talk about the love of God...who can explain it?  Oh, how the world bashes the God who created them, saying that it was all an 'accident'!  If you are an accident how would you grade yourself...bad, worse, most worse?  The definition of the word 'accident' is: 'an unforseen or unplanned event'.  If you, as a baby, were not planned then we must out of all due explainations call you an 'accident'!

The love of God no man can explain, but the joy of knowing it can be felt!