Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Girl With Curls

Little children are precious.  They are gifts from God.  Very young children will tell you like it is in any situation.  They will never hold grudges, but forgives quickly.  They will speak their minds even if it offends those who was not looking for the truth.  It is no wonder that Jesus said we must become as little children before we can enter into the Kingdom of God.  Trusting the Savior with child like thoughts pure and innocent.

Children coming unto a certain age will no longer have these traits.  As I think back on the day I sat in that fourth grade class and stared at the girl with the beautiful curls.  I was jealous and coveted those curls.  Children coming of age need the Savior with the understanding that they are in need of forgiveness from the one who died for the world.  Inside the Church we are afraid to speak to children in this manner.  We have been deceived into thinking that young children cannot understand what sin is or have a relationship with God.  Children of missionaries of old had knowledge of these things.  We must never take up with the thought that children are unable to comprehend sin and the Savior.

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