Sunday, October 16, 2011


How do we handle a struggle in our lives that comes from Satan?  He has no power over the child of God, but oh, can he harass!  I read a great book this week that talked about the sovereignty of God in this world.  EVERYTHING is under Christ!  The Holy Spirit is actually retaining the destruction of this world until the time when He takes the children of God to be with Christ!

It is an awesome thought, is it not?  If not for the blessed hand of God through His Holy Spirit Satan could squash us like a bug!  The devil's goal is to kill, only he can't do that to the child of God....he can tempt us and destroy our testimony!  It is very comforting that Satan cannot touch me unless God allows him to do so.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you...James 4:7.  Resist (wrestle) and he will leave!  The definition of "flee" is to "run away"....that old devil will run away from you!

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