Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where Could We Go?

"Where could I go but to the Lord"?  It is an old hymn, but echoes the cry of the heart when it is so burdened with the sorrows of this world!  King David once said, "Oh, that I were a bird so I could fly away from all of my problems".  When we stop to consider the great sorrows around us, we long as David did just to get away from it all.  We end up at the feet of Jesus every time, for there is no where else to go.

We pray for we want the Lord to deliver someone from great sorrow whom we love.  We pray that He will act quickly to eleve suffering of the one we love.  He hears our prayer if we have confessed all sin in our lives and come before Him with a believing heart.  We have seen Him do marvelous things in such a short time when we have sought His face with much diligence!

This is my prayer:  "Dear Heavenly Father....come quickly to rescue the one whom we love so dearly.  Hear my cry and deliver them.  Your mercy is great and delivering in times of trouble.  You are a Heavenly Father who weeps with His children.  You are not far from us, but ever so close.  Answer my prayer for I think I have prayed in the Holy Spirit.  In the blessed name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord forever".  Amen.

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