Saturday, July 16, 2011

What Is It Like?

What is it like to be born again in the Spirit?  Your conscience becomes alive to the living God.  Some people experience a dramatic change, like the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus.  Have you ever met someone famous?  It would be like meeting the most important person in the world, only you would have heavenly feelings of joy and that no man can describe!  Some who grow up in the Church struggle with the thought of being born again because they have heard all about Jesus  and feel as if they know Him.  Knowing about God and being born again is like the difference between day and night.

Jesus said,, "Unless you are born of the Spirit, you will never see the Kingdom of God"... John 3:3.  Seek Jesus and you will find Him.  If you have grown up in the Church there must be a specific time where you can point to and say, yes this is when I met God.  If you cannot do this, then you are still lost in your sins.  When your conscience becomes alive unto God, you are aware of sin.  It cannot be said any plainer than that!  God does not leave you at that point, He fills you with the reality of Him and that is the heavenly joy.

This my prayer:  "Dear Heavenly Father...thank you for my salvation!  How can I thank you with mere words for it?  I can only live with a grateful heart displaying to others that I belong to you.  Oh, God may I live so others will say, "she has been with Jesus".  Eternity awaits and someday I will see Him face to face.  Draw me ever nearer to you Father is the cry of my heart!  In the precious name of Jesus Christ I pray".  Amen. 

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