Sunday, July 10, 2011

Love Letters

There are so many times when I feel unloved.  If you are a Christian reading this the following will not sound kosher to you, nonetheless I dare to write it.  Jesus makes it clear in His Word that He loves us....John 3:16....Romans 5:8 and the list is long.  When I feel like I am not wanted or loved I let Jesus talk to me and I write it down.  He tells me that I am lovely to Him and He cares for me beyond anything that I could ever think or imagine.  He gave me my red hair and my height...He knew me before I was formed in my mother's womb!  He gave me my personality and my laugh...and He knows when I am sad and when I am happy.

He says He thinks of me all the time...Psalms 139....He tells me He loves me with a heavenly love, not earthly that will pass away!  How would you like to get a love letter like that in the mail?  I rely on His Word as my love letters, especially Psalms 139!  He loves like no earthly father can or any husband can!  I am off to read another love letter from Jesus.

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