Sunday, July 17, 2011


They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  The apostle Paul said that our lives were living epistles!  Some people say they will never go to Church because there are too many hypocrites there.  The definition of the word 'hypocrite' in the Hebrew is: "godless".  There are only two kinds of people in Church...saved and unsaved.  Jesus said that the tares would be planted by the enemy among the wheat...Matthew 13:25.  Tares are the unsaved and wheat are the saved.

Jesus used the word hypocrite only to describe the religious leaders of His day.  They were refusing to believe that He was the Son of God and always sought to kill Him.  He never called anyone else hypocrites.  We as Christians can sin and do, but we are quick to repent and ask forgiveness from the Father!  I saw a bumper sticker just recently that said, 'not perfect, just forgiven'...Christians will never be perfect like the world (lost) expects us to be.  We are being watched by the world however, so it would behoove us to obey the Lord so that others might see our lives as righteous.  Then we will be a truly  living epistle to the world!

This is my prayer: "Dear Lord Jesus...please keep the evil one from me.  Help me to resist the devil so I might not sin.  Help me to be a living epistle of righteousness for you every moment.  Help me to put on the whole armor of God so that I will be able to withstand the darkness who wants to kill my testimony, steal my joy, and destroy my relationship with you".  In the name of Jesus Christ I do pray...Amen.

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