Friday, July 29, 2011

When We Hurt

After the Joplin Tornado in May of this year, there is still a lot of clean up work to be done.   They have  a long way to go before they can rebuild.  This got me to thinking about a different kind of hurt.  One that drives us away from the very One who created all things.  Oh, the hurt may be kinder in your life than someone else, but still our Lord Jesus tenderly looks after it with concern.   Psalms 138:8  says that He will perfect everything that concerns us.  He will restore us daily as a medicine that heals.

He will fix our hurts and He will talk to us about them if we listen.  He will be the doctor of our soul tending to every need we have in this life!  This world is a dump and the war is ugly in the heavenlies!  We are in that war which someday when we see Him face to face we will understand all of the sorrows.  Who could hurt more than someone loosing a child to death?  It must be the worst kind of hurt that exists, and yet He longs to help. 

We have been called to a great purpose!  Not one of fine cars and houses, but His purpose which is to save those who can be saved from eternal hell. 

"Dear Lord us to focus on what will transpire after we take our last breath.  Help us to think on eternal things for the sake of the Cross.  Help us to be obedient to the Holy Spirit.  We are weak Father, but through your strength we can do all things through Christ who empowers us!  Thank you Jesus for your loving care this day and in all the days forever to come".  Amen.

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