Wednesday, July 20, 2011


In the early 1960's there was a movement proclaiming that God was dead.  They have gone to their place by now.  How do I know that He is alive?  How do you know that He is alive?  It is your testimony that proves He is alive and well!  Over a billion people around the world have come to know Christ.  Think of that, over a billion...why?

A billion testimonies that Jesus Christ is Lord!  It is too amazing to think about!  Why are there so many people who believe in Jesus and the Cross?  There is only one answer, He was who He said He was!  He changes hearts and lives by His Holy Spirit!!!!  How marvelous to know the God who created you!!!!  How wonderful that He would lay down His life for us!  He is alive and your testimony counts!  Your testimony is precious!  It is a living thing and will live on forever!!

This is my prayer: "Precious Lord Jesus...thank you for giving me a testimony!  It testifies to who you are and how big your plan of salvation is for the world!  Thank you for the blessings of knowing you!  Who am I that I should be loved by You"?  Amen.

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