Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Cross

Who can understand the love of God that took Him to the Cross?  His love is not earthly, so we struggle with the receiving of it.  We fully accept the love from people, but why is it so hard for us to let God love us?  We can only know His love through the Holy Spirit and then time and time again we struggle to reach out and take it for our own.

The Cross is the ultimate demonstration of His love for us...more He could not do!  This thing of sin keeps us from fellowshiping with Him.  Even though we have asked forgiveness, we engage with the enemy who tells us that God does not love us now!  It is a lie and we know it is and yet we, for a short time, adhere to it as if it were true.  Oh, what a wretch that I am!  Repeating the same sin that besets me over and over!

This is my prayer:  "Dear Jesus...I struggle in this vessel of earthen clay!  Help me Father to have a heart that desires to know you!  The Apostle Paul said he had only one desire and that was to know Him (Jesus).  Let that be the cry of my heart also Lord.  In the name above all names, Jesus Christ".  Amen.

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