Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Bell Tolls

"For Whom the Bell Tolls" is a novel written about the Spanish Civil War.  What if the bell of heaven rang for you today?  What if your number was up today?  Where would you spend eternity?  The usual answers would be...I go to church...I have been going to church since I was a woman told me she was born a Methodist!  Some others will believe the lie that just being a good person will get you through the pearly gates, like the Pharisees thought.  I know there would be a ton of answers to this question, but what is the real answer?

There is a war going on right now for your soul!  If we could see this war all around us, we would fall down at the feet of Jesus and repent, thirsting for salvation.  We would also understand  that we were born into sin and we need the Savior.  This is truth!  It would be a scary thing if the bell tolled for us today and our souls would be found trusting in these lies about eternity.  Romans 3:12 says, "All have turned aside: together they have become worthless.  No one does good.  No, not one".  ESV

"Dear Father in us to see, in faith, the war that is raging around us and in the heavenlies for mankind.  Help us to consider the bell that will someday toll for each one of us.  Let us consider the truth inside God's Word and say Amen to it.  In the everlasting name of Jesus Christ I do pray".  Amen.


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