Friday, September 16, 2011

Foul Play

Inside the confines of this country and its' habitat lies a giant god!  This god is worshipped by unbelievers and the Church as well.  He is powerful and people thirst after him with great hunger!  So many bow down to this evil god and the devil is laughing all the way to the stadium.  You guessed it didn't you....Sports.  It even takes precedence over the address of the President to the country! 

I wonder how the Lord feels about this evil god?  In the first commandment He says we are to have no other gods before Him!  We can see the terrible destruction that come upon Israel in the Old Testament when they turned away from the One True Living God!  Will the Lord abide with our worshipping this evil god?  He truly is patient with us, but a day is coming when He will reveal to us exactly how He will deal with us about it!

"Dear Jesus...this god is a giant among us and I pray that you will put it in its proper place.  I pray that your children will stay away from the big time sports and put it in perspective.  Baseball left to the community.  We pray for mercy in Your name".  Amen

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