Sunday, September 25, 2011

Who Am I?

I am everywhere.  I am hot.  You hate me when I show up.   I can move faster than a race car at high speed.  I am faceless.  I really like to trouble the waters.  I can be ordered to be still.  Christopher Columbus knew me.  I am a mystery.  I love to make you sad.   Who Am I?  Have you guessed the answer yet?

I am a spirit.  There are so many of me no one can count!  We are commanded to try the spirits to see if they be of God or not...I John 4:1. The devil is a great immitator of the Holy Spirit, so how do we know what is true and what is not?  How do we "try" a spirit?  The Church is commanded to do it.  In the days of the old covenant a prophet was tried by his words.  If they came to pass, he was from the Lord.  Today is the day of deception under the new covenant, so trying a spirit is really listening to what comes out of a person's mouth.  The great preacher "Watchman Nee"  would listen to a person for two hours before he would consider allowing him to become a member of his Church.

Our mouth speaks out of the abundance of our heart....Luke 6:45.  Why did Christopher Columbus hate the evil spirits?  Because they would do all to hinder His great discovery of this country!  We should also hate with a perfect hatred those things that belong to darkness. 


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