Thursday, July 7, 2011

Good Times

During the great depression there was a man who went over Niagara Falls in a barrel and fell to his death.  Whether he did it for money or not we do not know, but such a waste.  Jesus has so much living water to give and yet we seek it not.  We praise Him in the good times and have a tendency to ignore him in the good times!  He longs to let the living water flow over us and we continue to live in the dessert most of our lives.

This is my prayer for today for anyone who reads this:  "Dear Heavenly Father...let our focus be on your kindness that flows from the Cross of Calvary.  May we forever keep our thoughts on eternal things even while we must attend to the things of the daily life.  May we see others as we pass by and consider their soul.  Let us say Thank you constantly out loud and in whispers.  Help us to consider what it meant for you to leave heaven for our sake.  In the precious name of your only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Amen, so be it.

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