Thursday, September 8, 2011


In 1987 a family came to me seeking childcare for their children.  I agreed to care for two girls and one little boy, five years old.  The step-father held a great resentment toward the children.  The biological father lived in Oklahoma and one day the oldest girl wanted me to call him because it had been such a long time since she had talked with her Dad.  My heart went out to her so after finding the number I called and he was delighted to hear from her!  A short conversation and then she hung up;  she was in tears because she loved him.  She was also happy that she had at last got to talk with her Dad.

It was a special week for me and for them.   I remember the little boy telling me out of the blue that he had never been special to anyone.  This broke my heart and I told him how special he was to God who created him.  I pray that God did something with that moment.

We are special to the God who created us!  In Revelation 4:11 it says that "we were created for His pleasure".  I thank God that He is my biological Father...He knit me together in my mothers womb...Psalm 139...Satan was my step-father until I was twenty-nine years old!  Thank you dear Heavenly Father that my name is written in the Lamb's book of life...I am special.

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