Friday, September 9, 2011

Small Things

Atoms are the smallest things in the world.  Inside the atom there are electrons, protons, and neutrons.  How marvelous is God's creation!  Are there any small things in your life?  We could think of a kind word or deed done in the name of Christ.  The enemy comes to us and says, "You are not much to the Kingdom of God".  Sometimes we sink in our spirit and agree with that old devil!  Are we not to do great and mighty things for the Lord?

In Zechariah 410 it says, "For who has despised the day of small things"?  The mission of Satan is to dismay thereby defeat us!  Is there anything more precious than a word 'fitly' spoken to someone to lift their burden?  No, and to some degree this is a gift.  Let us pray for that gift!  In such a day as this when our fight against the powers of darkness are so great, we need those who can lift us up with a golden word to rid the dismay.

"Dear Father in heaven...see us in our times of defeat.  Let us be that someone who can lift Spirits with that word 'fitly' spoken in the name of Christ.  Give us tongues of flaming fire, tongues that will refresh the child of God!  In the precious name of Christ we ask".  Amen.

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