Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Been thinking about the sixty seconds in a minute today.  Have you ever stood by the microwave and waited for a minute?  Try it sometime, it will give you a new perspective on "time".  Will "time" exist after we die?  I guess everyone has thought of that one at some point in their lives.  By now you have already shut this down and gone on to something else on facebook.

If you are still with me, thank you.  When walking through Walmart the other day I looked up at the ceiling.  Why?  I do odd things.  The pipes running every which way and they were all white.  As I studied the "ugly" ceiling exposed with all of the stuff that would turn us off, I looked back down and began to watch the people going to and fro.

In this world we are like those pipes in that ceiling.  We do our job in life and then we are taken down and replaced.  Time is passing my friend and eternity awaits.  Whether you want to believe that or not.  Christmas is almost here and the "baby" Jesus is no longer a baby, but "time" allowed Him to grow up and die on a tree for You.  Please give some thought to that this Christmas.

Galatians 3:13

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us-- for it is written, "CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO HANGS ON A TREE "--


Monday, September 10, 2012

Strange Sounds

Before you watch this chilling video, think on I Corinthians 15:52.  Could it be possible that their is a time lapse between the trumpets sounding and what follows?  However, these sounds were heard around the world.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Saw an old friend today at McDonalds.  When she saw me coming she got up from her table and walked across the room to avoid me.  This hurt deeply, but it got me to thinking about something we Christians should consider.

Too much "loose" judgement going on inside the Body of Christ.  Damaging words are spoken without thinking and above all, people are wanting to hear the juicy past of a person.  What should we do when confronted with someone who treats you like this?  Is she saved?  Yes, she is.  So, what's the problem?  She has something against me and I know not what it is!  If she will not come to me then I must go to her and try my best to resolve the problem.  If we have something against a brother or sister we should examine this:

New International Version (NIV)
23 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift."

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Heard a prosperity preacher on television boast that he always sets his car to cruise at five or ten miles above the speed limit!  He said he did that because he knew he could get by with it.  This is teaching disobedience, is it not?

Had to go to court today for getting a speeding ticket.  I have been driving forty-five years and this was my second citation.  The judge was very kind and I paid my fine for being careless.  As I sat there waiting for them to call my name, only one thought was on my mind.  There is coming a jugement day and if we are nervous with an earthly judge, what shall we do when we stand before the Judge of all creation?

I listened to the conversations of those around me and it was filled with bar stories and jokes about policemen.  If we neglect so great a salvation, what will we say before the Judge of heaven and hell?  We will not joke on that day, but rather we will say Amen to the judgement handed down to us!

Let us, who know salvation,  think on things eternal...2 Corinthians 4:18    

Saturday, July 14, 2012


C.M.Ward believed that you must speak in tongues in order to get into heaven.  He had a huge following.  Sad, isn't it!  Do all Pentecostals think this way?  No, I don't think so, but if you are pondering the thought of enrolling your teen in a Pentecostal college you might consider digging into their doctrine.  You do not want your teen being taught that speaking in tongues is a requirement to enter heaven!

There are so many doctrines of deception, it is of the utmost importance to know what people believe; the very essence of your salvation depends on it!  False teachers are rising in abundance and the want to go to heaven must be saturated with TRUTH!

  For 25 years, C. M. Ward-the radio evangelist-was the "voice" of Revivaltime, a program broadcast on ABC Radio that was heard "across the nation and around the world." That voice of C. M.'s became instantly recognizable by the multiple thousands of individuals who would tune in each week to hear a visionary voice like none other.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

No Clue

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God"...I Cor. 1:18.  

I took a journey through time back to the past through my photo albums today.  With our wedding anniversary coming up in about a week, I looked at that young girl and saw someone who had no clue what salvation was, even though I had been going to church for two years!  I didn't know who Jesus was!  As these thoughts began to puzzle my mind, is it really possible to sit in Church every Sunday and not know what salvation is?  Definitely!

Being born again is not a decision we make!  That might be a really hard saying for some of you, but it is the truth!  So many people hear the Gospel and still have no clue as to the meaning of salvation.  Some see it as going to Church until they die or even being zealous for doing good deeds.  If you know salvation then give a shout unto the Lord for He has given you the eyes to see it!  Praise the Lord for He has chosen you before the foundation of the world was laid...Ephesians 1:4-5.  Shout and give thanks to your God!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Clean House

Jesus asked a most provocative question, "Do you love me more than these?" John 21:15.  What was He talking about?  Family, money, fame...you must fill in that blank.  There are many things in this life we love and cherish, like our children and grandchildren.  I wonder if Jesus was talking about the other disciples?  I really don't think so. 

Are we looking for His coming?  Dear friend, it is lacking in all of us.  We love our comforts and certain things we can point out, but what if Jesus came today?  The Lord pointed out to me a couple of days ago that I need to "clean house".  There are things in our lives that we love and need to put in priority!  The Lord wants to be at the top of the list!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Picked up a penny today.  Not worth much in these times.  Sometimes people think that they are not valuable either.  The trial of Sandusky was very interesting.  If you read the editorial about his sentencing and how the people outside cheered the "guilty" verdict, it reminded me of judgement day.  Yes, justice was done and as I read the words it brought thoughts to me about that day when we shall stand before our maker.  The records will be read out loud and the gavel will sound throughout heaven on each account of our sins if our name is not written in the Lamb's book of Life!

There is no one in the sight of God who is not worth saving!  If you think you are not valuable then why did  Christ suffer?  We are precious in His sight!  He came to redeem you dear friend.  He came to save all of the Sanduskys of this world.  After all Jesus Christ had done for the people of Israel they yelled, "Crucify Him"!  The Cross was ordained before the foundations of the world was laid, but if we had been there with them we would have been calling for His blood also.  You are loved by your maker who went to that Cross!

Children are precious and may the Lord be with the victims of this crime.  He did vindicate them!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


The Grace of God arrested me.  The Hand of God will never let me go!  What a comforting promise...Hebrews 13:5.  My walk with Jesus is not easy.  The struggle to overcome the world and its' sin is not my downfall.  It is the battle inside my own mind to stay focused on the Lord and His Word!  

There are times of peace and times of doubt, when the enemy comes in the night to taunt me about my past!  If you have given your life to Christ and the Holy Spirit dwells within you, God does not even remember your sins!  We can hardly comprehend how this happens for we always remember.  The struggle in our minds is to believe that they have been cast into the sea and thought about no more by Jesus...Hebrews 8:12!

The answer is to keep these promises in view and meditate on them day and night.

Thank you Lord

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Flesh

My flesh stinks!  That's right, it is a stink in the nostrils of God! 

" For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate."  Romans 7:15.  Was the Apostle Paul talking about his flesh and how he gave in to it even though it grieved him to do so?  Yes, and how can we have peace with the Lord if we live this way?

The conflict between the flesh and the Spirit is on-going, so how do we stop doing the things we hate?  A born again Christian will not continue to live in sin...so we jump to Romans 8:1.  Christ has delivered us from this body of death.  We now have the dominion over sin through Grace.  The spiritual war is raging friend and Satan comes at us with every blow of his defeated hammer.  I have toiled so long about laying aside the sin that begets me that my spirit is worn.  It must boil down to knowing that we have the strength to say no to sin, we can choose "not" to sin....and if we do sin we have an advocate with the Father...Jesus Christ...I John 2:1.  Thank you Jesus!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Thank You

I just want to come today and thank you Lord Jesus for the beautiful and terrible Cross of Calvary.  You wait for us to come and seldom do we to give thanks.  That Cross which bore the Lamb of God is forgotten until we have need for you in our little world of problems.

Who can shout with gladness that he has been redeemed?  I come to you today Lord and shout in my heart.  It is on its' face as I look at that Cross which bears the Truth of all things in this world.  You have taken my hurts  and sorrows and filled me with your peace that passes all understanding.  The Cross, may we never loose sight of it Lord Jesus.  Amen.

Monday, May 28, 2012

I Timothy 2:9

If you are a young Christian lady you will welcome this advice from the Holy Word of God:

"And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes"...I Timothy 2:9.

Why this?  It will help to keep some things in your life Holy as well as helping your brothers in Christ not to sin.

What do men see when they look at you?  Do they see a young lady who honors her body with the Word of God?  Or do they see a young lady who wants to attract men?  These are very deep thoughts to ponder as a child of God.  The way you dress can cause a brother in Christ to sin.  Lusting is a sin and your manner of dress, if goes against scripture, can cause a man to lust after you.  We are talking about men in the body of Christ, not those in the world who lust without a conscience toward the Savior.  

What kind of man do you want to attract to yourself?  One who is driven by lust or one who is drawn by the Holy Spirit to your love for God?  I hope dear young lady that it is the last one mentioned.  You are special as a child of the living God and He wants you to respect His Word so that He can bless you.

A Godly dress code will neither add to your salvation or take away from it, but it is a matter of obeying your Savior's Holy Word which was spoken as instruction for our good in this life.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


He restores my soul...Psalm 23 is a great promise.  I have been thinking about the "soul" and what it means.  We can read many commentaries concerning this part of our being, but I would like to share what it is to me.  

The emotional part of us dwells within the soul.  It is our very own created personality.  In this world our soul gets beaten down with stress over many things.  These circumstances prick at our very emotions and drain us of peace.  At times we feel like we cannot escape these demons who torment our thought life.  How can we escape and be restored?

We have not learned how to trust in His promise.  So how do we trust?  We trust the brakes on our car to stop us without thinking and yet we cannot see them working.  The way we learn to trust is to test Him...He even invites us to do this...Malachi 3:10.  He will reveal Himself to us and restore our souls.  This is not talking only about giving, but we are to test the very promises of God.

Matthew 11:28-30
New International Version (NIV)

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

We come to Him in prayer, but our words are not drenched in wanting Him!

May God grant us the desire to come into prayer with the need of touching the hem of His garment!  Amen.

Friday, May 11, 2012


As a Christian, I have learned  never to put anyone on a pedestal.  The danger with this is the famous let down when you come to realize that they are just human.  What does it mean to put someone on a pedestal?  I have been doing a lot of thinking about that and we can find more about it in I Corinthians 3:4..."For when one says, "I am of Paul," and another, "I am of Apollos, " are you not carnal?"

When I applied this to my own life I was putting certain people on a pedestal, thinking they were so wise that I would consult them before I prayed to God!  I will no longer do that!  If we hold one person more precious than another in the Body of Christ we are bound without a doubt to fall!  This kind of thinking is not of God.

Could putting someone on a pedestal be carnal behavior?  Yes, I think so.  The lessons of God are learned the hard way, but the Lord sees to it that we do learn!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Just me?

Maybe it is just me, but I sense a lack of concern about the "Last Days".  Do we  think about what God's Word says in Galatians 4:16?  It compares the last days to the days of Noah, just before they entered the Ark.  Dear friend,  all signs indicate that we are so close to the second coming of Jesus Christ!

The main sign we see in our culture is that people are being married and given in marriage.  In 1950 there were one out of every four marriages ending in divorce.  Today there are three out of every four!  Marriage is no longer a union between man and woman, as the Lord intended, but the culture has defined it in their own eyes!  It is now also accepted as a union between two women or two men. 

If we don't think about the wicked things that are happening in this country, then we have been lulled to sleep by the devil!  We have been busy with the things of the "flesh" way too long.  Please pray for all believers in Christ! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Getting older and being a woman, is very challenging to say the least.  The part I like best about being older is being a Grandmother!  God blesses us in old age for we are more aware of our mortality.  God says in His word that "Our days are numbered"...Psalm 39:4.  As Christians do we really think about this powerful truth?  I know that I give very little thought to it. 

God gives us so many things in this life to enjoy, but if we numbered our days in reality what would we be doing?  Lord help us to think on this truth.  I was thinking what if some doctor told me that I only had thirty days to live, what would I do?  It is an inspiring thought and should motivate us to think about time and how precious it is and handle it with "being about the Father's business".

Friday, January 27, 2012


Heaven is exploding with love, peace, and joy!  I can barely wrap my mind around the thought of being in that place where we are completely free!  It seems like my thoughts have been on heaven these last few days.  When I think about God's redemptive plan, I am in awe of something so wonderful that no human words can describe! 

We have our joys in this world...mine are my precious Grandchildren!  The joys of heaven though are so exciting that if we were to touch them, we would surely explode with the intensity of that special joy!  Christ has made heaven possible for us through that beautiful and terrible cross at Calvary!  What will it mean to be with Him?  I can only ponder, but to me will be like sitting down with Him personally and talking! WOW!!  Think of the most famous person in the world to be with and then magnify that to the tenth power!!!!!!!!!

The awesome thought of heaven!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


"Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?"  Hebrews 1:14.  There is so much talk about angels today, I wanted to share a thought with you.  The program "Touched by an Angel" was the number one program watched in the early 90's.  At first I rejoiced and then things got sticky for me when Della Reese was singing in a bar.  The very last episode I watched was about a homosexual who was  told that he had been born that way.  This goes against scripture for we can read in the first chapter of Romans how God hates the sin of homosexuality!

Why are people so intrigued with angels today?  Why is it is easier for people to believe in angels than in Jesus?  The world portrays angels as loving creatures bearing no day of judgement.  We are told in Colossians 2:18 that we are not to worship them.

There is comfort in Hebrews 1:14 for those who will one day inherit salvation.  If you will notice it says "for" and not "to".  I appreciate angels because they are servants of the Lord.  I praise God for His beings who do His bidding concerning us! 

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Oprah was raised a Baptist.  She knows a lot about God, but does she really know Him?  His Word says to "test the spirits whether they be of God or not"...I John 4:1.  How exactly do we do that?  We could dip her in a bucket of spiritual water and if she turns green then we would know she is a false teacher.  God says to test...this can only mean that we must listen to what she believes and then examine it to make sure it lines up with scripture.

Oprah believes that ALL roads lead to heaven: Buddha, Islam, or you name it for there are many.  Unfortunately, this does not agree with John 14:6 which says, "I (Jesus) am the way, the truth, and the life...no man comes to the Father except through me".  Her doctrine has failed the test!  Many adore this woman and hang onto every word she says, but she is taking many to hell with her!

You might say she has gained the whole world and that is easy to do if you are a false teacher.  People want to hear that all roads lead to heaven so they will not have to face a judgement day.  It tickles their ears and gives them comfort.  Run from her advice, her way of thinking, and the rose colored glasses she offers about the afterlife!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Mother

My Mother passed away in 1984, but she has been on my mind lately.  She was not a perfect Mother, but I loved her.  Got a mailer from a Church we used to belong to and it talked about "Super-Moms".  I don't know what their definition of a super Mom is, but can it be they have gone with the thinking of the world's culture? 

I wasn't with my Mother when she died, but I was in the hallway praying for her.  She had gone into a coma that night and my sisters had gone home to bed.  I guess I just miss her.  I always took the children to see her about twice a week and enjoyed getting into her refrigerator to see what she had to eat.  I miss those times.  She didn't talk much, but it made her happy to see the children enjoying her food.  She was a good cook.

Was she a super Mom?  She was always there for me.  I think this qualifies her as a super Mom.  All of her faults seem to have faded after so many years, but the things I remember about her are sweet and in my heart.  I guess I am just missing her today.