Thursday, January 19, 2012


Oprah was raised a Baptist.  She knows a lot about God, but does she really know Him?  His Word says to "test the spirits whether they be of God or not"...I John 4:1.  How exactly do we do that?  We could dip her in a bucket of spiritual water and if she turns green then we would know she is a false teacher.  God says to test...this can only mean that we must listen to what she believes and then examine it to make sure it lines up with scripture.

Oprah believes that ALL roads lead to heaven: Buddha, Islam, or you name it for there are many.  Unfortunately, this does not agree with John 14:6 which says, "I (Jesus) am the way, the truth, and the man comes to the Father except through me".  Her doctrine has failed the test!  Many adore this woman and hang onto every word she says, but she is taking many to hell with her!

You might say she has gained the whole world and that is easy to do if you are a false teacher.  People want to hear that all roads lead to heaven so they will not have to face a judgement day.  It tickles their ears and gives them comfort.  Run from her advice, her way of thinking, and the rose colored glasses she offers about the afterlife!

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