Saturday, June 23, 2012


Picked up a penny today.  Not worth much in these times.  Sometimes people think that they are not valuable either.  The trial of Sandusky was very interesting.  If you read the editorial about his sentencing and how the people outside cheered the "guilty" verdict, it reminded me of judgement day.  Yes, justice was done and as I read the words it brought thoughts to me about that day when we shall stand before our maker.  The records will be read out loud and the gavel will sound throughout heaven on each account of our sins if our name is not written in the Lamb's book of Life!

There is no one in the sight of God who is not worth saving!  If you think you are not valuable then why did  Christ suffer?  We are precious in His sight!  He came to redeem you dear friend.  He came to save all of the Sanduskys of this world.  After all Jesus Christ had done for the people of Israel they yelled, "Crucify Him"!  The Cross was ordained before the foundations of the world was laid, but if we had been there with them we would have been calling for His blood also.  You are loved by your maker who went to that Cross!

Children are precious and may the Lord be with the victims of this crime.  He did vindicate them!

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