Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Been thinking about the sixty seconds in a minute today.  Have you ever stood by the microwave and waited for a minute?  Try it sometime, it will give you a new perspective on "time".  Will "time" exist after we die?  I guess everyone has thought of that one at some point in their lives.  By now you have already shut this down and gone on to something else on facebook.

If you are still with me, thank you.  When walking through Walmart the other day I looked up at the ceiling.  Why?  I do odd things.  The pipes running every which way and they were all white.  As I studied the "ugly" ceiling exposed with all of the stuff that would turn us off, I looked back down and began to watch the people going to and fro.

In this world we are like those pipes in that ceiling.  We do our job in life and then we are taken down and replaced.  Time is passing my friend and eternity awaits.  Whether you want to believe that or not.  Christmas is almost here and the "baby" Jesus is no longer a baby, but "time" allowed Him to grow up and die on a tree for You.  Please give some thought to that this Christmas.

Galatians 3:13

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us-- for it is written, "CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO HANGS ON A TREE "--


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