Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Heard a prosperity preacher on television boast that he always sets his car to cruise at five or ten miles above the speed limit!  He said he did that because he knew he could get by with it.  This is teaching disobedience, is it not?

Had to go to court today for getting a speeding ticket.  I have been driving forty-five years and this was my second citation.  The judge was very kind and I paid my fine for being careless.  As I sat there waiting for them to call my name, only one thought was on my mind.  There is coming a jugement day and if we are nervous with an earthly judge, what shall we do when we stand before the Judge of all creation?

I listened to the conversations of those around me and it was filled with bar stories and jokes about policemen.  If we neglect so great a salvation, what will we say before the Judge of heaven and hell?  We will not joke on that day, but rather we will say Amen to the judgement handed down to us!

Let us, who know salvation,  think on things eternal...2 Corinthians 4:18    

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