Monday, May 28, 2012

I Timothy 2:9

If you are a young Christian lady you will welcome this advice from the Holy Word of God:

"And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes"...I Timothy 2:9.

Why this?  It will help to keep some things in your life Holy as well as helping your brothers in Christ not to sin.

What do men see when they look at you?  Do they see a young lady who honors her body with the Word of God?  Or do they see a young lady who wants to attract men?  These are very deep thoughts to ponder as a child of God.  The way you dress can cause a brother in Christ to sin.  Lusting is a sin and your manner of dress, if goes against scripture, can cause a man to lust after you.  We are talking about men in the body of Christ, not those in the world who lust without a conscience toward the Savior.  

What kind of man do you want to attract to yourself?  One who is driven by lust or one who is drawn by the Holy Spirit to your love for God?  I hope dear young lady that it is the last one mentioned.  You are special as a child of the living God and He wants you to respect His Word so that He can bless you.

A Godly dress code will neither add to your salvation or take away from it, but it is a matter of obeying your Savior's Holy Word which was spoken as instruction for our good in this life.

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