Sunday, September 25, 2011

Who Am I?

I am everywhere.  I am hot.  You hate me when I show up.   I can move faster than a race car at high speed.  I am faceless.  I really like to trouble the waters.  I can be ordered to be still.  Christopher Columbus knew me.  I am a mystery.  I love to make you sad.   Who Am I?  Have you guessed the answer yet?

I am a spirit.  There are so many of me no one can count!  We are commanded to try the spirits to see if they be of God or not...I John 4:1. The devil is a great immitator of the Holy Spirit, so how do we know what is true and what is not?  How do we "try" a spirit?  The Church is commanded to do it.  In the days of the old covenant a prophet was tried by his words.  If they came to pass, he was from the Lord.  Today is the day of deception under the new covenant, so trying a spirit is really listening to what comes out of a person's mouth.  The great preacher "Watchman Nee"  would listen to a person for two hours before he would consider allowing him to become a member of his Church.

Our mouth speaks out of the abundance of our heart....Luke 6:45.  Why did Christopher Columbus hate the evil spirits?  Because they would do all to hinder His great discovery of this country!  We should also hate with a perfect hatred those things that belong to darkness. 


Thursday, September 22, 2011


Had myself an encounter with the devil today.  I have been a child of God for over thirty years and it never ceases to amaze me of the things that go on inside the Church out of ignorance!  (II Corinthians 2:11) I will begin with this question:  "What is a dowser?"  Very few know about this little instrument which is controlled by evil forces. 

We went to a used clothing store today and I was up front looking at the counter when the lady who owned the store got a call on her cell phone.  This lady was in her sixties and that will be good to know later.  She told the person on the phone that she had just gotten a fresh batch of dowsers in from her friend.  Of course, she had my attention.  She then reached up and got one and asked me if I had ever seen one of those.  That rascally old devil.  When you are confronted with witchcraft you stomp on it like you would a black widow spider.

I asked her if she knew that it was of witchcraft.  She replied, " there is good witchcraft and bad witchcraft"...she was  quick to defend the evil thing in her hand.  I asked her to do some research on dowsers in the light of Godly information.  She said she had. I asked her if she was saved...she told me she was a Baptist. :(

My husband and I walked out of the store and trust me I could not get out of there fast enough.  A dowser is equal to a Quiji Board.  Let us consider that the Church is in need of discernment.  Let us also examine ourselves to rid our own lives of any ignorance that abides in our lives that goes against the Holy Father in Heaven!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Many Christians ponder the puzzle of sickness in this world.  It is a huge subject and by no means do I have the answer.  However, I do have a scripture that can make it better for you and me...Romans 8:28 "All things work together for good...".  We also have the hope of being healed.  Jesus still heals today, whether it be an instant touch of His hand or through medicine. 

We hardly ever consider the next verse Romans 8:29.  The two go together and is quite interesting..."For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren".  He knew us before we were formed in our mother's wombs!  He has orchestrated every moment of our lives so that we might be like Jesus.  What a wonderful thought!  This life is temporary and I want to be like Jesus.  No matter what, there is no evil in God!

"Dear Lord Jesus...Help us to think on these things day and night.  We are traveling through this world into the next, let us do it with the likeness of Jesus.  In His name we do pray and consent".  Amen

Friday, September 16, 2011

Foul Play

Inside the confines of this country and its' habitat lies a giant god!  This god is worshipped by unbelievers and the Church as well.  He is powerful and people thirst after him with great hunger!  So many bow down to this evil god and the devil is laughing all the way to the stadium.  You guessed it didn't you....Sports.  It even takes precedence over the address of the President to the country! 

I wonder how the Lord feels about this evil god?  In the first commandment He says we are to have no other gods before Him!  We can see the terrible destruction that come upon Israel in the Old Testament when they turned away from the One True Living God!  Will the Lord abide with our worshipping this evil god?  He truly is patient with us, but a day is coming when He will reveal to us exactly how He will deal with us about it!

"Dear Jesus...this god is a giant among us and I pray that you will put it in its proper place.  I pray that your children will stay away from the big time sports and put it in perspective.  Baseball left to the community.  We pray for mercy in Your name".  Amen

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Bell Tolls

"For Whom the Bell Tolls" is a novel written about the Spanish Civil War.  What if the bell of heaven rang for you today?  What if your number was up today?  Where would you spend eternity?  The usual answers would be...I go to church...I have been going to church since I was a woman told me she was born a Methodist!  Some others will believe the lie that just being a good person will get you through the pearly gates, like the Pharisees thought.  I know there would be a ton of answers to this question, but what is the real answer?

There is a war going on right now for your soul!  If we could see this war all around us, we would fall down at the feet of Jesus and repent, thirsting for salvation.  We would also understand  that we were born into sin and we need the Savior.  This is truth!  It would be a scary thing if the bell tolled for us today and our souls would be found trusting in these lies about eternity.  Romans 3:12 says, "All have turned aside: together they have become worthless.  No one does good.  No, not one".  ESV

"Dear Father in us to see, in faith, the war that is raging around us and in the heavenlies for mankind.  Help us to consider the bell that will someday toll for each one of us.  Let us consider the truth inside God's Word and say Amen to it.  In the everlasting name of Jesus Christ I do pray".  Amen.


Saturday, September 10, 2011


God tells us in Mark 12:28-31 that "we are to love our neighbor as ourselves".  How do we love ourselves?  We are very patient with our shortcomings.  We make sure we are fed and in this country maybe too much attention is paid to that one!  We make sure that we are clothed.  We make sure that we have medicine.  We are kind to ourselves. 

We give generously to the starving across the world and that is good, but what about the person next door to us?  Do we speak a word about Jesus to those who are starving for salvation?  Why are we afraid to tell them about our Savior?  There are many excuses, but what can we do about it?  Do we have to be on a mountain top to tell someone about Jesus?  We love ourselves and forget about the soul of our neighbor?  May God help us to overcome such a thing inside of us!

When the opportunity arises, speak to that person.  They can only think you are peculiar, which God says in His word we are supposed to be anyhow!  Your spiritual life may not be up to snuff, but go ahead and feel like a hypocrite...only speak to them who are perishing!

"Father in Heaven...forgive us for the times we have walked by and missed the opportunity you gave us to share your salvation that only the suffering on the Cross could  provide.  Give us a boldness through the Holy Spirit to rescue the perishing in the name of Jesus Christ".  Amen.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Small Things

Atoms are the smallest things in the world.  Inside the atom there are electrons, protons, and neutrons.  How marvelous is God's creation!  Are there any small things in your life?  We could think of a kind word or deed done in the name of Christ.  The enemy comes to us and says, "You are not much to the Kingdom of God".  Sometimes we sink in our spirit and agree with that old devil!  Are we not to do great and mighty things for the Lord?

In Zechariah 410 it says, "For who has despised the day of small things"?  The mission of Satan is to dismay thereby defeat us!  Is there anything more precious than a word 'fitly' spoken to someone to lift their burden?  No, and to some degree this is a gift.  Let us pray for that gift!  In such a day as this when our fight against the powers of darkness are so great, we need those who can lift us up with a golden word to rid the dismay.

"Dear Father in heaven...see us in our times of defeat.  Let us be that someone who can lift Spirits with that word 'fitly' spoken in the name of Christ.  Give us tongues of flaming fire, tongues that will refresh the child of God!  In the precious name of Christ we ask".  Amen.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


In 1987 a family came to me seeking childcare for their children.  I agreed to care for two girls and one little boy, five years old.  The step-father held a great resentment toward the children.  The biological father lived in Oklahoma and one day the oldest girl wanted me to call him because it had been such a long time since she had talked with her Dad.  My heart went out to her so after finding the number I called and he was delighted to hear from her!  A short conversation and then she hung up;  she was in tears because she loved him.  She was also happy that she had at last got to talk with her Dad.

It was a special week for me and for them.   I remember the little boy telling me out of the blue that he had never been special to anyone.  This broke my heart and I told him how special he was to God who created him.  I pray that God did something with that moment.

We are special to the God who created us!  In Revelation 4:11 it says that "we were created for His pleasure".  I thank God that He is my biological Father...He knit me together in my mothers womb...Psalm 139...Satan was my step-father until I was twenty-nine years old!  Thank you dear Heavenly Father that my name is written in the Lamb's book of life...I am special.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

French Hat

During WWII a good friend of mine, who passed away years ago, lived in France to be near her husband.  Georgia was in her late seventies when I met her and she was filled with stories of her life in France and the war.  She was a soul in dire straights.  What do I mean?  We can be someone who loves the Lord in a crowd, but when we are alone at night the dark shadows of doubt can torment us. 

Georgia told me that she did not know if she was saved and she wanted to know how she could know if she indeed had salvation.  In I John 5:13 we see that John was encouraging those who had believed in Jesus that they were saved.  Satan is the author of doubt.  If you embrace Jesus Christ as Savior of your soul and love His Word, you are indeed saved from your sin and an eternal hell created for the devil. 

After recently going through a tornado, some things were saved and one of those was a little black hat that Georgia gave to me that she had purchased in France.  The hat will always remind me that I know I am in Christ and He has forgiven my sins.  Saved!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

How Old?

It never ceases to amaze me that most people think the Church is the building.  I talked to a woman today who informed me that they had celebrated the 175th anniversary of their church!  Just think of that, her Church is only 175 years old.  My Church is over two millenniums old.  The Church is the Body of Christ, it is not built with brick and mortar, but it is founded on the revelation that Jesus Christ is the Son of God....He is the Christ!

This revelation can only come from the Heavenly Father, Matthew 16:17...Jesus answered (Peter) and said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah (Peter), for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in Heaven".  Praise God!  Thank you dear Father that you were revealed unto me!  Thank you for saving my soul!

"Dear Father in Heaven...You are amazing and one day the whole living and dead existing will bow their knee to You!  Thank you for Jesus and the Cross FOREVER! Amen.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cutting Thoughts

I went to the funeral of a relative today.  It was held in a Church.  The last funeral I attended was in 1984, my mother's.  What happens when you are in a place where the presence of God is absent?  It is soul chilling and you find yourself wanting to run away, seeking to escape the world who believes that they are on their way to heaven.

It is not for me to judge any one's salvation, but when the fellowship in the Spirit is not there, something is deadly wrong!  I wanted to weep in my Spirit for the sadness of people bound for hell.  The stench was choking the air in the room.  The sadness was deep and cutting into my thoughts.  It was not my place to preach and yet in my spirit I fell to my knees wanting to escape all of the hypocrisy!  Stay close Lord Jesus.

"Heavenly those who can be saved in the name of Christ!  Forgive me for joining in on the conversations of the lost.  Forgive me for grieving the Holy Spirit.  The person was dead and no one thought on eternity.  Did he go to hell?  Help me Lord to get my focus back on You and let the dead bury the dead.  Amen.