Thursday, August 31, 2017

What Is Sin?

What is sin?  An easy question, but what is the answer?  To sin is to break a religious law willfully.  I got to thinking though that there are many sins we dismiss, even though we may be aware that they are sins to us.  Is dancing a sin? Some believe it is and others see nothing wrong with it, so how do we really know?  Is wearing makeup a sin?  2 Kings 9:30 "When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it. And she painted her eyes and adorned her head and looked out of the window".  We all know that Jezebel had the rebellion of a witch, so is it a sin to wear eye shadow?  Now, we can take a good look at something that is rarely ever taught in Church.  It is my belief that the Holy Spirit is the best teacher, so I rely on Him instead of the Church to teach me. Of course, we should never stop listening to teachers who are called by the Lord. The first one is my way and the second way I also do.

Is it a sin to wear a bathing suit?  Since there are so many "gray" areas to deal with let us go to Romans 14:23 "But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the eating is not from faith. For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin".  If I have doubts as to whether it is wrong for ME, then it is sin. Personally, I do not wear bathing suits and I don't dance (only at home with my husband).  Another sister in Christ may not see anything wrong with wearing eye shadow, wearing a swim suit, or dancing.  Although, I have never known a real born again Christian who approved of dancing in public.

When it comes to wearing makeup there is a difference between that which enhances and "war paint", if you know what I mean.  If it makes you cringe then it is a sin to you. That is the answer.  These convictions must come from your Spirit and not your fleshly feelings.  This subject has been a hard saying to write about because most Christians love "Modesty" and that includes me, but if someone does not have any doubts then it is not a sin to them.  Wow!! I can feel there are some reading this that would throw me to the lions.

John 7:24 "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

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