Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Love Your Children

Why did you become a parent?  If the answer to that is I wanted to be one because babies are a precious part of God's plan for married couples then you deserve a medal!  My guess would be that only one percent of all parents would have given that answer.  
As a child growing up I had parents who never said, "I love you". They came from a different generation where little affection was shown to their children.  Many wealthy families in that era of the early 1900's "made room for their children".  I once was in one of these homes during a tour and the children slept on a cot in the corner of the sewing room.  It was odd to me, but the tour guide said that it was the norm of the day.  "Children should be seen, but not heard" was the thought pattern for them during those times.
There has to be a happy medium somewhere concerning children and how we are to love them.  If we spoil them, then they will control us.  Today the thought seems to be "I want them to have what I didn't have".  Loving children is an art and it comes from the One who created us.  This art is no easy task indeed.  
It calls for a strong hand delivered with a gentle Spirit.  Chew on that for a life time and you will have conquered the greatest task in the world!  May the Lord give us the wisdom to cherish our little ones and at the same time raise them in a world where Satan desires to destroy them. 

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