Sunday, September 3, 2017

What Is Love?

Can you explain it?  I could be in the midst of one hundred men and still be in love with only one?No, we can't understand the mystery of love any more than we can understand the miracle of creation. We hear that "God loves us", but do we know how to connect to this truth?  It has been my experience that we think of God's love as human's love.  Too often we find that those of us who are saved see the Lord as a God who is not personal. But how can that be when His Word says that He has named every star in the heavens!! (Psalm 147:4 "He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names"). No, the thing we want to know is how do we connect with Him as a loving Father?  We tend to see Him as our earthly father, who did not love us tenderly.

It is hard for some people to receive love.  I'm one of them.  So if we fall into this category then we have the dilemma of always fighting our feelings in order to let God comfort us when we are sad or in times of not understanding why bad things are happening to us.  My heavenly Father always does something to prove His love for me, but the struggle comes first.  He is tender and loves us even when we do not trust Him to care for us.  His love and mercy are greater than we could ever imagine!!  I have seen Him in this great mercy so many times and I have marveled, but then the next time again I struggle.  He knows we are but dust and He makes no demands on us like our earthly fathers who only knew how to love with an earthly love.  One that shows very little compassion.

Satan desires to rob us of God's wonderful love.  He works on our feelings with his lies and we listen to him all too much.  I once asked the Lord what He was thinking while He was on the Cross and this is what He said to me, "I was thinking of you".  For me, the struggle ends when I recall the moment He spoke those amazing words to me!  Psalm 8:4 What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him?


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