Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Mayflower II

In the mid-80s a handful of wealthy businessmen met together and formed a plan like none other since 1776. It was a wonderful dream that could have come true and who knows with its powerful thought could one day really happen.

The first case of AIDs took place in Australia and soon spread to the United States. During that decade homosexuals began to dance in the streets announcing that the time had come for them to celebrate their wickedness. A great uproar took place in this country and hence the dream of "The Mayflower II" was born.

The dream consisted of a ship carrying only young men and women would flee the upcoming dread of those wicked days ahead. The old would have to say their goodbyes to the young. These businessmen had sought out a huge strip of land in the Caribbean to build their new world. It would take them at least a century to complete the blueprints for their country.

Today we are seeing what they saw on a small scale. The dream wasn't in God's plan, but they were filled with ambition to escape the horrors that would come upon this nation. We too often have that dream of leaving for another place where only we would abide with other Christians. That day is coming my friend sooner than we think. Christ has promised to return and take us back to a place where He has been preparing before the beginning of time. That will be our beloved  "Mayflower II".

Saturday, October 24, 2020

We Do Not Fear God

 Friday morning she walked down that long hallway to take her last breath. She couldn't feel the white crisp sheets below her only minutes later. Age 38 and now she is ready to take her last breath on this earth. Being on death row for several years she came to know a minister who came to the prison often to see her. She got saved one year before her execution. Guilty of a murder she knew that God had forgiven her so she had peace beyond understanding. 

We fear eathly Judges, but not the ultimate Judge who will send us to our eternities. It will either be heaven or hell. There is no in-between. If you are a Christian it's most likely that you will never face that execution table, but we would do well to think about facing God before we take our last breath on this earth.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Fingerprint of God

My cell phone requires my thumbprint in order to unlock it. Technology today is a true wonder, isn't it? My thoughts exploded thinking about all of the thumbprints in the world! There are 7.8 Billion people on this planet and there are no two thumbprints alike! Just think about it and let your thoughts shine with the wonder of His majesty!  

Before the beginning of time, we were a blueprint in the mind of God. Satan will tell us that we are not, but rather we are something ugly that crawled out of nowhere according to Evolution. Thumbprints prove him wrong! They are something we never think about, so take a minute and think about how big God is! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


 We all have them and the devil wants to make you sad by using them against you after you have been saved. The regrets are real and the happenings are real, but there is another side of the coin. What the enemy hates is that God teaches us to learn from those regrets and pass that wisdom along to the young girls today who are growing up. If you have been a drunkard you will no longer take a drink for you know how it can destroy your life and your loved ones. You won't need AA or any rehab. The desire for alcohol will be GONE. If you have committed adultery you will hate that sin and you will no longer have the desire to do it again. The hurt from that sin would be so ugly a bitter taste would linger in your mouth! 

There are also regrets of omission. Mothers have not taught their daughters to be young ladies who love God and His Word. They never held their children when they were growing up. They never got inside their world to know that little hurts mean great big hurts to them. They never learned how to love their children. Yes, we must be taught how to love. If we do not seek the teaching of older women who have grown in the faith we will have so many regrets when we are their age. Teach your daughters to love the kitchen. Teach them how to cook. Teach them how to sew. Look for their God-given gifts such as a love for musical instruments and encourage that child to pursue it. 

Use your regrets for teaching tools! 

What is your biggest regret? Here are people's devastatingly honest answers  | Health & wellbeing | The Guardian

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

King David Had...

The greatest human mystery in the Old Testament is about King David. He had three hundred wives and seven hundred concubines. God allowed this due to the hardening of their hearts back then. The mystery is he had no conviction of sexual sin with the concubines, but only with Bathsheba? 

Beware of Mormons like Glenn Beck! They still believe in having many wives. Many people listen to him I know, but they are not considering that he is a liar even when he speaks the truth about politics. He is a Wolfe in sheep's clothing!

Praise the Lord for sending Jesus Christ! He set it straight about a man having many wives. He said this was not so "in the beginning", it was one man and one woman. This is how God designed marriage. If you are a Mormon reading this maybe you have never been told that Jesus corrected the whole culture's thinking about marriage. 

Is Marriage Worth It for Women? | Psychology Today

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Prayer Is a Dull Word

"I'm a shell of a man. My bones are decaying". There are two words that put the Christian in a depressed mood...Prayer and Death. We have left our first love...Jesus. Does anyone spend five minutes in prayer every day? We are so distracted by the cares of this world we fail and then we feel guilty. 

Jesus told us to go into our inner room and pray in secret. Then the Father will reward you. (Matthew 6:6) The "inner room" is not a place, but whether it is time alone with the Lord. We have drifted away from talking to God leaving us to the world who desires to devour us.

How do we get back to our "first love"? It must begin with prayer. If we spend three minutes a day alone with God perhaps our hearts will be turned back to Him who wants so much to bless us in all spiritual things. Above all, the blessing of really "knowing Him".

Prayer | Lane Corley

Monday, May 25, 2020

Saying Goodbye

Been thinking about the young men who gave their lives so we could be free. It's an awesome thought that these precious men who some might never have shaved or owned their first car would face death on the front lines at Normandy and other places like death camps in Korea.

What happens to a soldier who dies in the field? A few days before they left home they were in malt shops with their girlfriends. Maybe they had a birthday just before they boarded that military bus. They were proud to wear the United States uniform. These young men were filled with courage to the limit without knowing what they would face come that time when a bullet had their name on it. Mothers were filled with fears and tears. 

Does God call a young man to be a soldier? I believe so. We will never know how many gave their lives to Christ at those times, but the number must be staggering when they came close to death. Jesus said, "There will be wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet". Matthew 24:6. God knows the condition of this sick world and He was there on the battlefield when one young man among many called upon Him for eternal life. May we bow our heads in our hearts and remember them for being so brave at such a young age.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

9 Days To Nowhere

What a strange "thing" has come upon the world. Our President has described it as a vicious and smart virus. Our daily lives have changed in only a few months to make us feel as if we are living in a communist country. We long for the days when we could eat in a restaurant gathered around the table with friends, but now we are ordered to stay away from each other for the sake of not spreading this virus. The nation has shut down and we have been ordered to stay at home. As a child of God, it makes me ponder where we are headed. 

Is it a judgment from the Lord as we grieve over millions of people who are without work? In the end, we shall say only one thing, "God's plan is unfolding".

To the world who is perishing God's plan makes about as much sense as the title of this article. To those of us who have the Holy Spirit, we rest in these words: GOD IS IN CONTROL OF THE UNIVERSE. The picture below comes from the worst Pandemic ever...the Spanish Flu in 1918. It took the lives of 50 million people. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

"If Only"

The two most famous words ever spoken by a lost humanity.  "If Only" Hitler hadn't come into power..."If Only" the Titanic had swayed to the left that horrible night. A little closer to home would be the words "If Only" I had done it this way instead I would have a better life. These and a million other things whispered by souls who have blamed their sorrows on those two words. If I made a list in my life based on these words it would be very long indeed. I'm sure that Adam would never have partaken in the eating of that "forbidden fruit"  if he had known the outcome of it.

The good news is "God did know". We will never know the whys of great mysteries like the "holocaust" or our own decisions that took us down a road that if only we could go back and change we would do so in heartbeat. That old adage, "when life hands you a lemon, make lemonade" does not come from God. If we live in the flesh then "we have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel" adage crushes our trust in the one who created us. Then we live our lives in doubt before God as His child. We are a miserable lot and God should mop the floor with us! Whether we like it or not God orchestrated humanity to where we are today. No more "If Onlys" for us! Now, we must say "God is so Awesome no matter how things look". If we say anything other than this then we are made liars and we live in defeat inviting Satan to rob us of all joy salvation provided to those who trust in Jesus Christ.

Matthew 26:41 " Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Image result for a picture of a man and woman getting married"

Friday, January 3, 2020

Do You Love Your Children?

Your answer to that question will determine how you define the word "love". Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments". (John 14:15). Teach your children these and you will have sown great seeds of wisdom in them for life. First, teach them the Ten Commandments which are essential to every Christian. They are so important because they lay out a blueprint for living life God's way. Begin with these.

Later, teach them the only two commandments that are in the New Testament found in Mark 12:30-31 "30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.”

These are the greatest commandments, but don't throw away the baby with the bathwater! The Ten Commandments have been tossed aside today as if they do not apply to us, but ALL scripture is essential for the Christian life! 

God's love is not mushy or romantic, it is just and full of mercy! 

Framed Tablets of the Ten Commandments Print