Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Mayflower II

In the mid-80s a handful of wealthy businessmen met together and formed a plan like none other since 1776. It was a wonderful dream that could have come true and who knows with its powerful thought could one day really happen.

The first case of AIDs took place in Australia and soon spread to the United States. During that decade homosexuals began to dance in the streets announcing that the time had come for them to celebrate their wickedness. A great uproar took place in this country and hence the dream of "The Mayflower II" was born.

The dream consisted of a ship carrying only young men and women would flee the upcoming dread of those wicked days ahead. The old would have to say their goodbyes to the young. These businessmen had sought out a huge strip of land in the Caribbean to build their new world. It would take them at least a century to complete the blueprints for their country.

Today we are seeing what they saw on a small scale. The dream wasn't in God's plan, but they were filled with ambition to escape the horrors that would come upon this nation. We too often have that dream of leaving for another place where only we would abide with other Christians. That day is coming my friend sooner than we think. Christ has promised to return and take us back to a place where He has been preparing before the beginning of time. That will be our beloved  "Mayflower II".

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