Wednesday, August 26, 2020


 We all have them and the devil wants to make you sad by using them against you after you have been saved. The regrets are real and the happenings are real, but there is another side of the coin. What the enemy hates is that God teaches us to learn from those regrets and pass that wisdom along to the young girls today who are growing up. If you have been a drunkard you will no longer take a drink for you know how it can destroy your life and your loved ones. You won't need AA or any rehab. The desire for alcohol will be GONE. If you have committed adultery you will hate that sin and you will no longer have the desire to do it again. The hurt from that sin would be so ugly a bitter taste would linger in your mouth! 

There are also regrets of omission. Mothers have not taught their daughters to be young ladies who love God and His Word. They never held their children when they were growing up. They never got inside their world to know that little hurts mean great big hurts to them. They never learned how to love their children. Yes, we must be taught how to love. If we do not seek the teaching of older women who have grown in the faith we will have so many regrets when we are their age. Teach your daughters to love the kitchen. Teach them how to cook. Teach them how to sew. Look for their God-given gifts such as a love for musical instruments and encourage that child to pursue it. 

Use your regrets for teaching tools! 

What is your biggest regret? Here are people's devastatingly honest answers  | Health & wellbeing | The Guardian

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