Sunday, April 19, 2020

9 Days To Nowhere

What a strange "thing" has come upon the world. Our President has described it as a vicious and smart virus. Our daily lives have changed in only a few months to make us feel as if we are living in a communist country. We long for the days when we could eat in a restaurant gathered around the table with friends, but now we are ordered to stay away from each other for the sake of not spreading this virus. The nation has shut down and we have been ordered to stay at home. As a child of God, it makes me ponder where we are headed. 

Is it a judgment from the Lord as we grieve over millions of people who are without work? In the end, we shall say only one thing, "God's plan is unfolding".

To the world who is perishing God's plan makes about as much sense as the title of this article. To those of us who have the Holy Spirit, we rest in these words: GOD IS IN CONTROL OF THE UNIVERSE. The picture below comes from the worst Pandemic ever...the Spanish Flu in 1918. It took the lives of 50 million people. 

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