Thursday, August 31, 2017

What Is Sin?

What is sin?  An easy question, but what is the answer?  To sin is to break a religious law willfully.  I got to thinking though that there are many sins we dismiss, even though we may be aware that they are sins to us.  Is dancing a sin? Some believe it is and others see nothing wrong with it, so how do we really know?  Is wearing makeup a sin?  2 Kings 9:30 "When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it. And she painted her eyes and adorned her head and looked out of the window".  We all know that Jezebel had the rebellion of a witch, so is it a sin to wear eye shadow?  Now, we can take a good look at something that is rarely ever taught in Church.  It is my belief that the Holy Spirit is the best teacher, so I rely on Him instead of the Church to teach me. Of course, we should never stop listening to teachers who are called by the Lord. The first one is my way and the second way I also do.

Is it a sin to wear a bathing suit?  Since there are so many "gray" areas to deal with let us go to Romans 14:23 "But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the eating is not from faith. For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin".  If I have doubts as to whether it is wrong for ME, then it is sin. Personally, I do not wear bathing suits and I don't dance (only at home with my husband).  Another sister in Christ may not see anything wrong with wearing eye shadow, wearing a swim suit, or dancing.  Although, I have never known a real born again Christian who approved of dancing in public.

When it comes to wearing makeup there is a difference between that which enhances and "war paint", if you know what I mean.  If it makes you cringe then it is a sin to you. That is the answer.  These convictions must come from your Spirit and not your fleshly feelings.  This subject has been a hard saying to write about because most Christians love "Modesty" and that includes me, but if someone does not have any doubts then it is not a sin to them.  Wow!! I can feel there are some reading this that would throw me to the lions.

John 7:24 "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Love Your Children

Why did you become a parent?  If the answer to that is I wanted to be one because babies are a precious part of God's plan for married couples then you deserve a medal!  My guess would be that only one percent of all parents would have given that answer.  
As a child growing up I had parents who never said, "I love you". They came from a different generation where little affection was shown to their children.  Many wealthy families in that era of the early 1900's "made room for their children".  I once was in one of these homes during a tour and the children slept on a cot in the corner of the sewing room.  It was odd to me, but the tour guide said that it was the norm of the day.  "Children should be seen, but not heard" was the thought pattern for them during those times.
There has to be a happy medium somewhere concerning children and how we are to love them.  If we spoil them, then they will control us.  Today the thought seems to be "I want them to have what I didn't have".  Loving children is an art and it comes from the One who created us.  This art is no easy task indeed.  
It calls for a strong hand delivered with a gentle Spirit.  Chew on that for a life time and you will have conquered the greatest task in the world!  May the Lord give us the wisdom to cherish our little ones and at the same time raise them in a world where Satan desires to destroy them. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Will You Receive a Gift?

It's very difficult for some people to receive two things: a compliment and a gift. For me, it is a gift.  I wonder how many people could relate that it is a gift?  A gift says "you haven't earned it" and in our fallen nature state, we tend to shy away from anything that is free.  This is the result of Pride.  I know it sounds like an irony, but pride hides its self in a subtle manner.
The same goes for a compliment.  Our reaction is we don't deserve it.  There are as many reasons for this as there are people.  It implies something that we like to hear, but we put on a brave face and say "thank you" when in all reality we feel it is not real.
Salvation is a gift from someone we have never seen or met face to face.  Those who have the Holy Spirit have received the gift, but even at that so many feel like they must do something for heaven. Works of some kind.  It could be doing something in the Church or giving lots of money.  There's nothing wrong with giving, but we must always check our motive for it.  
I pray that we all will know that Salvation is a gift from the Cross of Christ I pray that we will know that His salvation is as free as the air we breathe.

Thursday, August 24, 2017


You have heard that "truth is stranger than fiction" and I want to share something that makes this adage so true.  When I was in the first grade there was a girl in my class named "Annette".  All of the children liked her because at recess she would swing us all around and around.  She would eat Rolaids constantly.  You see Annette was 5'3'' tall and she weighed 245 lbs.  She came to mind today and I thought I would write about her.

We enjoyed playing with her at recess so much, but one day she didn't come to school.  We never saw her again.  Little children never ask so I thought she might have just moved away. 

There are several reasons why a child that young would be so obese.  We cannot rule out genetics.  If this is the cause then a child will be overweight as a toddler.  DNA can also be tested on the child to find any other cause.  A sign of constant severe hunger, also known as hyperphagia.  I guess I'm old fashioned, but a McDonald's sign might be the reason too.  

It's difficult to stay thin in our Society where we are bombarded with food.  We see it on television commercials and just about everywhere you look it's there tempting us.  When I was growing up we were a low-income family and there were no food stamps. That was a big plus for us and the secret I guess to our being so thin, all of us.  That was decades ago and things are different today.  Uncle Sam has been enticing people to come and eat at his table of goodies.  Now, we have an explosion...the problem of trying to solve this mistake.

There are no easy answers, but restaurants like McDonald's should be avoided and considered a "treat" for bringing home a good report card etc.  These places should never be our way of life.  I pray for anyone who is reading this that you will deeply think about this matter because your child's life is at stake. Perhaps.  That word is too heavy to take lightly.

May God bless you in your efforts to fight back and save your precious child from this thing that desires to destroy every part of their lives.

1 Corinthians 10:31 "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God".

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Predestined or No

If you are reading this blog then you are interested in the question of Predestination.  I might also add that you are more interested in what exactly is "The Elect"?  It's a big subject to take on, but in my opinion, it is worth the effort to try.  Shortly after I was saved the Holy Spirit gave me the revelation that God knew who would be saved before time began.  Back then I had no idea of Theology because a babe in Christ can only drink the milk of the word...he is not suited for meat yet.

There is no evil in God (Psalm 92:15).  God will never do anything that is evil.  This is the first step to understanding the character of God.  He is my heavenly Father and He will never do anything to hurt me.  This is the second step.  If I do not believe the second step, then the first one is null and void in my life.  We must have a full understanding of the first step.

Proverbs 4:7

"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding".

When it comes to the mind of God we are at the place of something we will not fully know until we are there with Him.  He has given us scripture though and doctrine in His Word.  There are so many scriptures that support the doctrine of "Election", but at the same time there are many that uphold the doctrine of "Free Will".  In my life, I have found that searching the scriptures is the only way to really know the Truth. ( Because the Earth rotates through two tidal “bulges” every lunar day, coastal areas experience two high and two low tides every 24 hours and 50 minutes. High tides occur 12 hours and 25 minutes apart.)
What a small thing to say and yet if we consider a God who does not have complete control over everything that exists how can we proclaim with confidence that God was ignorant about the things in His Hand before the foundation of the world was laid?

May the Lord bless you as you search for the Truth in His Word.