Thursday, January 16, 2014

Glow Worm

What if we, as Christians, turned green every time we told a lie?  That's a thought I heard from a sermon a few years ago and I thought it was funny.  Got to thinking though, we would really be on our guard if that did happen!  God says in His Word that we should guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23).

Had a friend who once told me that someone who tells a lie will always try to prove it out to be the truth.  It's easy to convince man, but not the Lord because He sees our hearts. How is it that telling a lie is so harmful if it saves the feelings of someone?  We can always justify our lies with one thing or another, but God is keeping the records.  Guarding our hearts against evil is not as easy as we think.  Life gets caught up in this thing.  Situations that puts us between a rock and a hard place.  

So, how do we guard our hearts?  When we are tempted to lie, tell the truth even if it hurts.  Oh, come on!  My job depends on this lie, my marriage depends on it, my Church depends on it etc.  Now, it is not so easy is it?  It is very hard to tell the truth because we have learned from childhood to look out for number one.  We have learned how to "escape" anything that would harm us if we told the truth.  It takes hard work to "Guard our hearts". 

Now, don't you wish we could just turn green?  

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