Friday, May 2, 2014


She killed her six year old son or at least she felt like she was responsible for his death.  I came into contact with this dear lady years ago and her story left me in chills.  The sad death of her son happened in the 1930's.  She tensed her shoulders as she told me how it happened.  No tears.  Maybe the heartache had dried the tears over time.  She ended by telling me she really didn't know if God would forgive her for his death.

At that time there were little pink round laxative pills in a glass bottle on the market.  She kept them on the dresser in her bedroom.  The normal dose for an adult was two pills. Unfortunately, her son found the bottle.  They were sugar coated and looked like candy. He ate all of the pills.  She told me that her son died within hours due to Cardiac Arrest. She sat on his bed holding him tight as he took his last breath.  

She was eighty-six when she told me the story.  She was ridden with guilt and also ridden with Arthritis.  That is when I began wondering if the two had some connection.  Guilt often shows up in physical afflictions.  My heart broke for her because I couldn't begin to imagine all the hurt she was feeling over her son's death, even after decades of time.  

I have been pondering the question of guilt again and its' rage on our souls and perhaps our bodies.   It is a question for all Christians to think about.  I know it will be in my prayers for an answer.  Maybe some of us suffer needlessly due to 'guilt'??

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The movie "Frozen" has topped one billion dollars.  It has risen above the highest Disney movie "The Lion King" which brought in 986 million.  A mother stated that she had taken her daughter to see "Frozen" over a dozen times now.  Why is it so popular?  In 1960 Disney produced "Pollyanna", the story of an orphaned girl whose father was a missionary. In 1962 they came out with "Parent Trap" which told the story of divorced parents who got back together.  These were loved movies by parents and children.

"Frozen" has captured the minds of children like no other movie put out by Disney.  Should we, as Christians, be concerned about it?  We should keep in mind that movies make an impression on us, as we can see today how the "Cinderella Syndrome" plays a big part in destroyed marriages.  It has been studied by the Psychiatric Association for decades. What will children glean from this new movie?

In years to come they will probably come up with a "Frozen" Syndrome.  It will contain the "No need for God" which leads us into a world with no the song says in the movie "no rules".  This is nothing new, but maybe it is the rehash of an old happening we saw in the rebellion of the 1960's against parents in a way that had not been seen before. Also the sacrificing of unborn children for the sake of a 'me' generation.  

The minds of children are like sponges and make no mistake about it they are soaking up all of the trash the world has to offer.  Guard their hearts and minds dear Parents!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I want to share the life and ministry of Bertha with you.  The calling of God came upon her life at the wonderful age of seventy.  She would for the next twenty years visit Baptist pastors at every opportunity that God gave her.  Very small in physique and thin as a rail, she was a bomb shell when it came to what God had called her to do in the last twenty years of her life. She would ask the pastor [in his private chambers] if he had any unconfessed sins in his life. She had been saved as a young woman, married and raised a family.  At the age of seventy she had the desire to speak to pastors about their walk with the Lord.

Old age and health problems that come with it, didn't detour her from God's calling.  I wanted to share her life with you so we might become inspired to do whatever the Lord has called us to do.  You might be called to pray for your Grandchildren daily or you might be sent to the streets of Las Vegas to witness.  Whatever the call, God has given it to us and will give us the strength to do it.  

Today Bertha would be 119 years young.  May we all be filled with the God-given courage that she had.  There are many women who have done wondrous things, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised...Proverbs 31:30.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Isaiah 62:6

Homosexuality being taught in the Public School System is on the rise at an alarming rate. Right now it is camouflaged under the name of Diverse Sex Education.  This article will address Parents who are daring to look the other way while their children are being taught demonic thoughts and ways.  We are living in a Post Modern nation.  We are doing what we see as right in our own eyes (Judges 21:25 "In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes".)

We have been called to be watchmen:

Isaiah 62:6 - I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence.

The Church has been silent for the most part about Abortion and Diverse Sex Education.  Woe unto us!  To stay silent is to agree!!  What can parents do?  Whatever the cost, pull your children out of the system before they are brain washed and indoctrinated so deep that you will literally have to "snatch" them from hell (Jude 1:23 "save others by snatching them out of the fire...")

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Azusa Street

The year was 1906 on a street called Azusa, located in Los Angeles, California.  It was the birth of the pentecostal movement.  What very few people know is that a twelve year old girl in that first meeting stood up and spoke in tongues.  Thus the Pentecostal movement began.  I'm not going to even think of tackling the subject of "tongues", but I wanted to write about this because like me, maybe there are lots of people who did not know it's beginning.  This movement revolves around this little girl who spoke in tongues!

Did the Church dwell on tongues and the like before 1906?  

Some believe "speaking in tongues" and "holy jumping" have occurred for hundreds, even thousands, of years. Founded in 1747 in England the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing practiced “singing and dancing, shaking and shouting, speaking with new tongues and prophesying" — some migrated to the United States in 1774 where they met similar faiths. Charismatic religions existed in Europe nearly a century before Prygunyreported their outpouring of the Holy Spirit in 1833 in Novorossiya (South Ukraine). Holiness jumping was reported in Los Angeles in April 1904, months before the Pryguny began to arrive in numbers in January 1905. How and whether these diverse faiths around the world are connected is continually researched and discussed by scholars.

You be the judge.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Glow Worm

What if we, as Christians, turned green every time we told a lie?  That's a thought I heard from a sermon a few years ago and I thought it was funny.  Got to thinking though, we would really be on our guard if that did happen!  God says in His Word that we should guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23).

Had a friend who once told me that someone who tells a lie will always try to prove it out to be the truth.  It's easy to convince man, but not the Lord because He sees our hearts. How is it that telling a lie is so harmful if it saves the feelings of someone?  We can always justify our lies with one thing or another, but God is keeping the records.  Guarding our hearts against evil is not as easy as we think.  Life gets caught up in this thing.  Situations that puts us between a rock and a hard place.  

So, how do we guard our hearts?  When we are tempted to lie, tell the truth even if it hurts.  Oh, come on!  My job depends on this lie, my marriage depends on it, my Church depends on it etc.  Now, it is not so easy is it?  It is very hard to tell the truth because we have learned from childhood to look out for number one.  We have learned how to "escape" anything that would harm us if we told the truth.  It takes hard work to "Guard our hearts". 

Now, don't you wish we could just turn green?  

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Gay Man

I loved him so much!  My brother, James, turned to homosexuality when he was twenty-six years old.  Before that he was deeply in love with a woman who chose someone else. He "chose" to turn.  He was so handsome, he could have been a movie star!  He lived in Kansas City, Mo and attended a Gay Church.  I witnessed to him every chance God gave me, but to no avail.

When I found out that he was dying of AIDS at the age of forty-nine my heart was broken. I called him immediately.  He told me not to preach to him.  He died two weeks later in his living room surrounded by his gay men friends.  God gave me grace over his death.

He is in eternity today and it is "forever".  When I think about being separated from God FOREVER I cannot bear the thought!  Eternity never ends!  I thank the Lord for going to the Cross to save those who would come to HIm.  My name is written in the Lamb's book of life and the struggles here cannot compare with the glory to come in heaven!  Just sharing my personal thoughts today.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I have decided!

My daughter said to me the other day, "Some people have a relationship with God and then there are those who have a relationship with Religion".  It was such a deep statement that I had to write something about it.  I'm on the internet a lot and sometimes I meet people who have never been born again.  I have some very precious friends online that are real in their lives about the Lord and I thank God for each one.  

How can we know if someone is really born again or not?  There have been tons of books written on the subject, so who am I to write one more thing about it?  For me it is the test of time and watching their lives that reveals the truth.  We are commanded in the Word to test "every" spirit to see whether or not they are of God. (I John 4:1).  Lay hands on no man suddenly (I Timothy 5:22).  Christians are not perfect, but the striving to be obedient to God must be there.

Only God knows the heart of a person, but testing the spirit is so important to the Body of Christ.  I have decided that if God has instructed us to do it, then we must and for those who belong to the Lord it would behoove us to examine even ourselves to see if we be in the faith. (2 Corinthians 13:5).  That's how essential it is to "test" every spirit!