Friday, June 29, 2012

Clean House

Jesus asked a most provocative question, "Do you love me more than these?" John 21:15.  What was He talking about?  Family, money, must fill in that blank.  There are many things in this life we love and cherish, like our children and grandchildren.  I wonder if Jesus was talking about the other disciples?  I really don't think so. 

Are we looking for His coming?  Dear friend, it is lacking in all of us.  We love our comforts and certain things we can point out, but what if Jesus came today?  The Lord pointed out to me a couple of days ago that I need to "clean house".  There are things in our lives that we love and need to put in priority!  The Lord wants to be at the top of the list!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Picked up a penny today.  Not worth much in these times.  Sometimes people think that they are not valuable either.  The trial of Sandusky was very interesting.  If you read the editorial about his sentencing and how the people outside cheered the "guilty" verdict, it reminded me of judgement day.  Yes, justice was done and as I read the words it brought thoughts to me about that day when we shall stand before our maker.  The records will be read out loud and the gavel will sound throughout heaven on each account of our sins if our name is not written in the Lamb's book of Life!

There is no one in the sight of God who is not worth saving!  If you think you are not valuable then why did  Christ suffer?  We are precious in His sight!  He came to redeem you dear friend.  He came to save all of the Sanduskys of this world.  After all Jesus Christ had done for the people of Israel they yelled, "Crucify Him"!  The Cross was ordained before the foundations of the world was laid, but if we had been there with them we would have been calling for His blood also.  You are loved by your maker who went to that Cross!

Children are precious and may the Lord be with the victims of this crime.  He did vindicate them!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


The Grace of God arrested me.  The Hand of God will never let me go!  What a comforting promise...Hebrews 13:5.  My walk with Jesus is not easy.  The struggle to overcome the world and its' sin is not my downfall.  It is the battle inside my own mind to stay focused on the Lord and His Word!  

There are times of peace and times of doubt, when the enemy comes in the night to taunt me about my past!  If you have given your life to Christ and the Holy Spirit dwells within you, God does not even remember your sins!  We can hardly comprehend how this happens for we always remember.  The struggle in our minds is to believe that they have been cast into the sea and thought about no more by Jesus...Hebrews 8:12!

The answer is to keep these promises in view and meditate on them day and night.

Thank you Lord

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Flesh

My flesh stinks!  That's right, it is a stink in the nostrils of God! 

" For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate."  Romans 7:15.  Was the Apostle Paul talking about his flesh and how he gave in to it even though it grieved him to do so?  Yes, and how can we have peace with the Lord if we live this way?

The conflict between the flesh and the Spirit is on-going, so how do we stop doing the things we hate?  A born again Christian will not continue to live in we jump to Romans 8:1.  Christ has delivered us from this body of death.  We now have the dominion over sin through Grace.  The spiritual war is raging friend and Satan comes at us with every blow of his defeated hammer.  I have toiled so long about laying aside the sin that begets me that my spirit is worn.  It must boil down to knowing that we have the strength to say no to sin, we can choose "not" to sin....and if we do sin we have an advocate with the Father...Jesus Christ...I John 2:1.  Thank you Jesus!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Thank You

I just want to come today and thank you Lord Jesus for the beautiful and terrible Cross of Calvary.  You wait for us to come and seldom do we to give thanks.  That Cross which bore the Lamb of God is forgotten until we have need for you in our little world of problems.

Who can shout with gladness that he has been redeemed?  I come to you today Lord and shout in my heart.  It is on its' face as I look at that Cross which bears the Truth of all things in this world.  You have taken my hurts  and sorrows and filled me with your peace that passes all understanding.  The Cross, may we never loose sight of it Lord Jesus.  Amen.