Monday, May 28, 2012

I Timothy 2:9

If you are a young Christian lady you will welcome this advice from the Holy Word of God:

"And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes"...I Timothy 2:9.

Why this?  It will help to keep some things in your life Holy as well as helping your brothers in Christ not to sin.

What do men see when they look at you?  Do they see a young lady who honors her body with the Word of God?  Or do they see a young lady who wants to attract men?  These are very deep thoughts to ponder as a child of God.  The way you dress can cause a brother in Christ to sin.  Lusting is a sin and your manner of dress, if goes against scripture, can cause a man to lust after you.  We are talking about men in the body of Christ, not those in the world who lust without a conscience toward the Savior.  

What kind of man do you want to attract to yourself?  One who is driven by lust or one who is drawn by the Holy Spirit to your love for God?  I hope dear young lady that it is the last one mentioned.  You are special as a child of the living God and He wants you to respect His Word so that He can bless you.

A Godly dress code will neither add to your salvation or take away from it, but it is a matter of obeying your Savior's Holy Word which was spoken as instruction for our good in this life.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


He restores my soul...Psalm 23 is a great promise.  I have been thinking about the "soul" and what it means.  We can read many commentaries concerning this part of our being, but I would like to share what it is to me.  

The emotional part of us dwells within the soul.  It is our very own created personality.  In this world our soul gets beaten down with stress over many things.  These circumstances prick at our very emotions and drain us of peace.  At times we feel like we cannot escape these demons who torment our thought life.  How can we escape and be restored?

We have not learned how to trust in His promise.  So how do we trust?  We trust the brakes on our car to stop us without thinking and yet we cannot see them working.  The way we learn to trust is to test Him...He even invites us to do this...Malachi 3:10.  He will reveal Himself to us and restore our souls.  This is not talking only about giving, but we are to test the very promises of God.

Matthew 11:28-30
New International Version (NIV)

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

We come to Him in prayer, but our words are not drenched in wanting Him!

May God grant us the desire to come into prayer with the need of touching the hem of His garment!  Amen.

Friday, May 11, 2012


As a Christian, I have learned  never to put anyone on a pedestal.  The danger with this is the famous let down when you come to realize that they are just human.  What does it mean to put someone on a pedestal?  I have been doing a lot of thinking about that and we can find more about it in I Corinthians 3:4..."For when one says, "I am of Paul," and another, "I am of Apollos, " are you not carnal?"

When I applied this to my own life I was putting certain people on a pedestal, thinking they were so wise that I would consult them before I prayed to God!  I will no longer do that!  If we hold one person more precious than another in the Body of Christ we are bound without a doubt to fall!  This kind of thinking is not of God.

Could putting someone on a pedestal be carnal behavior?  Yes, I think so.  The lessons of God are learned the hard way, but the Lord sees to it that we do learn!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Just me?

Maybe it is just me, but I sense a lack of concern about the "Last Days".  Do we  think about what God's Word says in Galatians 4:16?  It compares the last days to the days of Noah, just before they entered the Ark.  Dear friend,  all signs indicate that we are so close to the second coming of Jesus Christ!

The main sign we see in our culture is that people are being married and given in marriage.  In 1950 there were one out of every four marriages ending in divorce.  Today there are three out of every four!  Marriage is no longer a union between man and woman, as the Lord intended, but the culture has defined it in their own eyes!  It is now also accepted as a union between two women or two men. 

If we don't think about the wicked things that are happening in this country, then we have been lulled to sleep by the devil!  We have been busy with the things of the "flesh" way too long.  Please pray for all believers in Christ!