Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Heard a prosperity preacher on television boast that he always sets his car to cruise at five or ten miles above the speed limit!  He said he did that because he knew he could get by with it.  This is teaching disobedience, is it not?

Had to go to court today for getting a speeding ticket.  I have been driving forty-five years and this was my second citation.  The judge was very kind and I paid my fine for being careless.  As I sat there waiting for them to call my name, only one thought was on my mind.  There is coming a jugement day and if we are nervous with an earthly judge, what shall we do when we stand before the Judge of all creation?

I listened to the conversations of those around me and it was filled with bar stories and jokes about policemen.  If we neglect so great a salvation, what will we say before the Judge of heaven and hell?  We will not joke on that day, but rather we will say Amen to the judgement handed down to us!

Let us, who know salvation,  think on things eternal...2 Corinthians 4:18    

Saturday, July 14, 2012


C.M.Ward believed that you must speak in tongues in order to get into heaven.  He had a huge following.  Sad, isn't it!  Do all Pentecostals think this way?  No, I don't think so, but if you are pondering the thought of enrolling your teen in a Pentecostal college you might consider digging into their doctrine.  You do not want your teen being taught that speaking in tongues is a requirement to enter heaven!

There are so many doctrines of deception, it is of the utmost importance to know what people believe; the very essence of your salvation depends on it!  False teachers are rising in abundance and the want to go to heaven must be saturated with TRUTH!

  For 25 years, C. M. Ward-the radio evangelist-was the "voice" of Revivaltime, a program broadcast on ABC Radio that was heard "across the nation and around the world." That voice of C. M.'s became instantly recognizable by the multiple thousands of individuals who would tune in each week to hear a visionary voice like none other.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

No Clue

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God"...I Cor. 1:18.  

I took a journey through time back to the past through my photo albums today.  With our wedding anniversary coming up in about a week, I looked at that young girl and saw someone who had no clue what salvation was, even though I had been going to church for two years!  I didn't know who Jesus was!  As these thoughts began to puzzle my mind, is it really possible to sit in Church every Sunday and not know what salvation is?  Definitely!

Being born again is not a decision we make!  That might be a really hard saying for some of you, but it is the truth!  So many people hear the Gospel and still have no clue as to the meaning of salvation.  Some see it as going to Church until they die or even being zealous for doing good deeds.  If you know salvation then give a shout unto the Lord for He has given you the eyes to see it!  Praise the Lord for He has chosen you before the foundation of the world was laid...Ephesians 1:4-5.  Shout and give thanks to your God!