Sunday, October 23, 2011

One More

One more thought on the Cross of Calvary.  I like to travel back in time and reflect upon the Cross.  It is a journey that fills me with deep thoughts about eternity.  We are a people who are about the business of the day.  We hurry to and fro giving very little thought to mortality.  Jesus said that He must be about My Father's business...Luke 2:49.

What does it mean for us to be about the Father's business?  In I John 3:10 gives the answer.  We are to be about the business of practicing righteosness.  The definition of righteousness is:  justice and it refers to following the ways of God.  We can find His ways in His Word that is alive and will last forever!  Amen.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


How do we handle a struggle in our lives that comes from Satan?  He has no power over the child of God, but oh, can he harass!  I read a great book this week that talked about the sovereignty of God in this world.  EVERYTHING is under Christ!  The Holy Spirit is actually retaining the destruction of this world until the time when He takes the children of God to be with Christ!

It is an awesome thought, is it not?  If not for the blessed hand of God through His Holy Spirit Satan could squash us like a bug!  The devil's goal is to kill, only he can't do that to the child of God....he can tempt us and destroy our testimony!  It is very comforting that Satan cannot touch me unless God allows him to do so.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you...James 4:7.  Resist (wrestle) and he will leave!  The definition of "flee" is to "run away"....that old devil will run away from you!

Friday, October 7, 2011


The definition of the word "trick" is to perform an act of mischief.  The dictionary also adds that it is the destroying of personal property.  This article is not about halloween, but rather how we have come to accept things in this society that really teaches children that to destroy is a harmless "trick".  They are also learning that a certain behavior that used to be wrong, is now okay with the endorsement of their parents.

The word "trick" also means a threat.  I have to admit that even many Christians are immune to the word.  It is considered cute.  In the last days good will be known as evil and evil will be known as good...Isaiah 5:20.  We are without a doubt living in the last days my friend.  The word "trick" also means darkness

Jesus is the light of the world...John 8:12.  In Him there is no "darkness"....I John 1:5.  Amen.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I Wish

I wish I could go back and change so many things in my life.  If it were possible my list of priorities might look something like this:  Date more than a couple of months before getting married, be a great mother, be satisfied with my life, and find Christ early in my youth.  Oh, but would I really go back?  No, I don't think so.  There is nothing so valuable to me now as every moment experienced.  Does that sound naive?

After the Lord came into my life, those life experiences are worth more than gold to me.  God has instilled in me the ability to sorrow for the lost and for those who suffer from sin.  My past life has equipped me to know what is important after salvation comes.  I know how to pray for myself and others who are struggling with the devil.  No, there is no way under heaven that I would ever go back!

Thank you Jesus for every day of my life, the sorrows and the joys.