Saturday, April 17, 2021

Animal Stories

 In another small town, I used to live in there was a Civil War mansion. It was huge and intrigued me, to say the least. Made out of beautiful red bricks and columns that were carved in so much detail. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that it had been a plantation at one time. One day I dared to walk up to the door and knock. An elderly man came to the door dressed as like a butler would have worn clothes back then.  

I asked him if I could talk with the owner of the mansion. He told me to go around to the back door and he would tell her that she had a visitor. I began to feel a little strange. Nonetheless, I did as he said. Truth is stranger than fiction, believe me. He led me into a big room filled with old antiques. A huge table draped with a crocheted table cloth. A centerpiece of an old harvest basket...very old and dusty was placed in the middle of the table. A very tall woman entered the room wearing a flowing silk robe. She had long thick flowing black hair. She sat down at the table and didn't say a word. I introduced myself and she said hello. The room began to feel cold or maybe anxiety was happening to me.

I told her I was very interested in the mansion and could she tell me a little about herself. She said the man was her husband. I began to feel a little more normal at that point. She slumped in the chair as if she didn't want me there. "Are you surprised that I'm in my nightgown at this time of day"? She asked me without a smile but in a very monotone voice. I told her no. I asked her if she had lived there very long and she said twenty-five years. I told her that I desired to see the inside of the mansion and I also wanted to ask her if she was a Christian. She said that she never left the house. She added that she wrote animal stories and hundreds of them had been published. She started talking about animals and how she left a little water spout drip a little for a stray animal that should come by. The look on her face let me know that she did not want to talk about Jesus at all. 

My first and last thought as I was escorted out of the mansion was that she was a real witch. Was she? Maybe. I thought it was very interesting that she did not say goodbye to me. She did hear from me that Jesus died for our sins. It was good to get out in the fresh air where it was warm. Even as I write this that strange feeling comes over me. What God did with that visit I may never know.


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Tape Recorder

God will call you to do the most unique things. While in another town visiting my brother and his family I was told about my cousin who had brain cancer and was dying at home. I asked if it would be possible for me to go see him and they said that he didn't want anyone coming to visit. It was sad news for he was a very young man about thirty years of age, but God had a plan.

When I returned to my home God called me to do something I had never done before. Stanley came to mind and his soul was lost. One evening my husband brought home an old tape recorder from where he worked. He thought I would enjoy it. I bought some tapes to record on and the first thing that came to mind was Stanley. The Holy Spirit was leading me on this one I knew. God was calling me to make a tape for Stanley telling him about God. I began talking to him about dying and how he needed the Lord because heaven and hell were real. Then came the reading of scriptures to him. Many of them.

I then mailed it to him and about a week later I got a thank you card in the mail from his Mother. Stanley had passed, but she said he had listened to the tape for hours upon hours and just before he died he told her that he loved God!! Oh!! What joy filled my heart!! He went to heaven. If God calls you to do something He will do it!

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Paper Hearts

This is not about the origin of Valentine's day, but rather the heart of our Savior who loves His children. John MacDuff says it best:

 Does a mother's love exceed all other earthly types of affection?

    "As one whom his mother comforts--so will I comfort you."

He loves His children in tender ways that we can only know as He allows us to experience. His love is not of earthly manner, but the eternal we cannot explain. He will never condemn His children or hurt them. He is above the earthly father we wished for and never had. 

On this day of Paper Hearts let us set ours on eternal thoughts and give thanks for all that He has given us in this life and the life to come!

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Troubles Troubles Bats and Grubbles

CS Lewis once said, " Three hundred years ago people in England were putting witches to death. ... It may be a great advance in knowledge not to believe in witches: there is no moral advance in not executing them when you do not think they are there". What does a witch look like, we wonder? We know they are evil, but could you spot one at a glance? Why is this important to our faith anyhow? So many questions, but we will try to find some answers.

We know for a fact that they do not look like either of the witches in the movie, "The Wizard of Oz". No warts on the nose or black pointed hats. No white shimmering blonde who sounds too good to be true. Both are evil. We know that there is no such thing as a "good witch". May our children be spared from this hellish movie. I have posted a witch who claims to be a real one. If we were putting witches to death in this century do you think she would be bragging about her profession? Hardly. She would be hiding in a dark hole somewhere.

The fact is real witches do exist. In Salem, they set their alarm clocks for 3:00 am every night so they can wake up and pray to their master, the devil. They love to be surrounded by flickering candles. They drink each other's blood. Today we have the "contemporary witch" who practices "seductive psychology". This really hits home when we think about how it affects our faith. The Apostle Paul warned us to put away Philosophy due to its worldly view of life and God. Faith in God alone, not of man's wisdom!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

A Donut Is Not a Lamp

Don't you just love it? Not the donut, but the absolute truth behind the statement. Been thinking about this controversial thing of absolutes that thrive in our culture today. Heard a good joke the other day. A man told God that he could make another person. He told God to wait just another minute while he ran to get some dirt. God told the man, "You get your own dirt"! Get the meaning? Only God can create dirt. Science proves that man cannot create dirt.

Math seems a little out of whack these days. Common Core math says that we can make an equation anything we want it to be. So there is much deception in Math today...2+2=5 it shouts. There are no morals in Math, so it is easy to manipulate the thinking of mankind. There are no absolutes in Math, that is if you are dead in your sins and do not know the truth.

A lot to think about when trying to prove there is a God. Can you prove the fragrance of a violet flower? Can you explain it? You can't see the fragrance or touch it, so it is with God. When Jesus said, "You must be born again" he goes on to talk about the wind and how it blows. The sweet Holy Spirit operates in the same way. He touches whomever the Father tells him to and causes the dead conscience to come alive so the Spirit of man can be born again. The only way I can prove a living God is when He touched me and I came alive to the "truth".


Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Mayflower II

In the mid-80s a handful of wealthy businessmen met together and formed a plan like none other since 1776. It was a wonderful dream that could have come true and who knows with its powerful thought could one day really happen.

The first case of AIDs took place in Australia and soon spread to the United States. During that decade homosexuals began to dance in the streets announcing that the time had come for them to celebrate their wickedness. A great uproar took place in this country and hence the dream of "The Mayflower II" was born.

The dream consisted of a ship carrying only young men and women would flee the upcoming dread of those wicked days ahead. The old would have to say their goodbyes to the young. These businessmen had sought out a huge strip of land in the Caribbean to build their new world. It would take them at least a century to complete the blueprints for their country.

Today we are seeing what they saw on a small scale. The dream wasn't in God's plan, but they were filled with ambition to escape the horrors that would come upon this nation. We too often have that dream of leaving for another place where only we would abide with other Christians. That day is coming my friend sooner than we think. Christ has promised to return and take us back to a place where He has been preparing before the beginning of time. That will be our beloved  "Mayflower II".

Saturday, October 24, 2020

We Do Not Fear God

 Friday morning she walked down that long hallway to take her last breath. She couldn't feel the white crisp sheets below her only minutes later. Age 38 and now she is ready to take her last breath on this earth. Being on death row for several years she came to know a minister who came to the prison often to see her. She got saved one year before her execution. Guilty of a murder she knew that God had forgiven her so she had peace beyond understanding. 

We fear eathly Judges, but not the ultimate Judge who will send us to our eternities. It will either be heaven or hell. There is no in-between. If you are a Christian it's most likely that you will never face that execution table, but we would do well to think about facing God before we take our last breath on this earth.