Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Three Owls Then There Were Two

In 1977 there was a strange happening in our family.  It was about eight o'clock that evening when it took place.  In our front yard we had a swing set for our children and could be easily seen from the front door.  One owl flew down and sat on top of the swing, then another flew down, and then a third joined them.  We all went to the front door very quietly to watch what they were going to do. This lasted for about fifteen minutes.  They sat quietly without making a sound. 

If you make a study of owls today you will discover that they are a sign of "darkness".  In our culture "darkness" thrives today.  I had to think on this because being a Child of God we do not take these things lightly.  I have never been one to seek out signs from God and I hope and pray that what we saw that night was not a sign of sorrow.  After the time passed one owl flew away and never came back.  Then the two remained there for about a half hour more. 

Silence filled our mouths as we watched to see the others fly away and they did.  You see, we have three children and after all these years those owls are still in my mind.  It would grieve my soul if one of my children would go to hell. Whether it was a sign or not I believe that Jesus will take care of this thing.

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