Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Guiding Light

In 1952 the first Soap Opera debuted, "The Guiding Light".  It centered around a minister and his family.  It was the longest Soap to run until 2009.  I remember watching it a couple of times in the early 1960's.  Its content was clean and dealt with problems in the family.  Of course, as a teen Soaps never did interest me until I watched "The Secret Storm".  It came on just after school and I couldn't wait to devour that half hour of a young woman lusting after an older man.  It held my attention for about a year leaving an indelible desire in me for older men.  Even though it was a program without sex and no profanity Satan had an agenda that would touch me and millions of women in evil ways.  There is nothing innocent when it comes to television sitcoms.  They search out our thoughts and twist them into the evil thinking of the world.  These programs are like snakes who want to crawl into your mind and plant seeds of evil against God's word.  

I don't watch sitcoms because they are filled with so much evil.  God tells us to guard our hearts in Proverbs 4:23:

Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it.

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