Sunday, August 12, 2018

Suffering In Silence

Many people do suffer in silence, including me.  Why?  Often it is because we have no one to confide in who really cares.  More than this I think it is the problem of us not seeking out someone to talk to.  The Christian struggles with the thought of going to a Psychiatrist because they do not believe in God.  They honor Evolution.  God's Word states specifically that we are not to listen to the ungodly or ask for their advice.  I knew a woman who was a pastor's wife a long time ago.  She had a nervous breakdown and spent 3 months in a Sanitorium.  Was she saved? Yes, she most definitely was saved.  I'm not judging anyone. 

Psalm 1:1 

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

So, we are left to seek out a Christian Counselor.  They are very hard to find! Some will tell you to "talk to God".  This is good, but sometimes we need someone with skin on to share our problem with.  It's very hard to expose our thoughts to others, at least for me.  How could a Christian talk about spiritual things with a Psychiatrist?  It's a dilemma for the person who finds it very difficult to talk to an unbeliever about these things that bring us down into a deep depression.  

Image result for a picture of a sad person

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