Saturday, August 10, 2013

Positive Peale

Went into a bathroom today at Walmart.  There was a wheelchair in the special stall.  My heart breaks for people living in such sorrow.  It made me realize that my problems were very small.  I walked out of there!  What does this have to do with Norman Vincent Peale?  He was the first to preach about "Positive Thinking"...he was the very first Joel Olsteen.

Positive Thinking is a lie from the devil just as was "confess it and posess it" by Charles Capps back in the 1980's!  Why is it a lie?  You cannot tell God what to do!  He is not a bell boy in the sky who we hand our Santa Claus list to in prayer!  Some of these positive thinkers are very good with words.  They have always been around because there is nothing new under the Sun, only in different forms.  The bottom line is we cannot think our way into a better life.  Try convincing this to the woman in the wheel chair.  I dare you to think daily that you will be a millionaire in one month!  Our lives are only blessed from the Lord if we belong to Him and then He does the choosing of when and where.

You cannot think yourself "well".  Enough said.  


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