Sunday, July 28, 2013

Saved or No?

Most of the time we are consumed with the thought, "Am I saved or not?".  I have to remind myself so many times that the blood of Jesus is able to save even me to the very uttermost.  His blood covers my sins of the past and of the future.  The enemy constantly stands before God accusing us of being ungodly.  Unfortunately, we listen to him far more than we listen to the Word of the Lord.

How can we know we are saved?  I John 5:13:

"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life".

Our Spirit bears witness with the Holy Spirit of God.  We want Christ!  We know when we sin because the Holy Spirit convicts us and we repent.  We want what God wants.  He wants us to live Holy lives.  He wants us to put Him first above everything else.  He wants us to listen to His Word and obey it for this honors Him. 

We strive, but fall short of all these things and yet He still keeps us...II Timothy 2:13: 
"If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself".  If you are reading this and agreeing dear friend, then His blood has covered you in redemption!  Rejoice!

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