Sunday, June 2, 2013

Menopause 101

Menopause is spelled "men~of~pause".  God made woman beautiful with all of her wonderful tender "nurturing".  To put it plainly ladies "we are a lovely basketful of hormones" [snicker].  No, this is not an article for men, but it would be good reading for all husbands.  We are special with all of our hormones!

In the days of Jesus, when he walked the earth, the average span of life for a man was forty-five years and maybe even less for a woman.  Today women are living to be in their eighties and beyond, so we go through that time when estrogen begins to decrease in our forties.  I won't give you the details of symptoms like hot flashes etc. because every woman has googled them to death!  No, I want to give you something more.

Most women like a good challenge; if this were not so there would be no one wanting to get pregnant!  This is a great challenge and one to behold in all of it's glory!  The challenge of Menopause is a big one too!  After the fall of mankind we can be certain that Eve knew what these changes were, for she probably lived a long time. "There is nothing new under the sun" (Eccl. 1:9).  I'm so glad that the Lord made me a woman!  Please check out the link below, I found it to be very uplifting:

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