Wednesday, August 28, 2019

How Many Times Have You Heard It?

When a loved one hurts our feelings we hate them for their cruelty. Let's be honest, we do! Most of our life we have heard it said:

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good".
 (Romans 12:21)

Most Christians would give a comeback like "forgive them". Nice, but when the hate crops back up in the near future we see that we have not forgiven them. When someone hurts us it's so difficult to forgive because we love ourselves too much. If they would come to us and say they are sorry it would be so easy to forgive, but in my life, this has been rare. So, how do we overcome a hurt with good?

Probably each Christian would answer differently, but it has been my experience to completely forgive through the Holy Spirit when I examine the other person and what is going on in their life. When I put myself in their shoes, as the old adage goes, then I am overcome with sympathy for that person which leads me to pray for their situation. I overcome evil by praying for them and the hurts that they are going through.

Image result for a picture of a sad face with tears

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Do You Desire Wise Children?

But Jesus said, [a]Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”Matthew 19:14".
There is a bazaar lie of Satan spreading like wildfire among Christian parents today.  It's not a new lie, but the more you hear a lie the more effective it becomes. The evil thought in the generation is "restrain the Word of God from little children because they cannot understand it". We see coloring books in Sunday School and cartoon stories told about Jesus. 
The souls of our children are in great danger due to this thought that they cannot understand the Word of God. If you desire wise children then you must feed them the Holy Scriptures! In the Book of Proverbs, there are 775 verses. This would be several years of memorized scripture if a child learned and memorized just one verse a week! Make it your goal as a parent to fill your young children with God's Word.  Your children are on loan to us from God. The greatest downfall is a parent thinking that the Church will teach them.  
Oh, how wise your children will be if this is done! They are not too young to hear and learn the Word of God. Don't let Satan trip you up in this evil lie!

Image result for picture of a liar person

Friday, August 23, 2019

Meat or No

So many today and in the past has fallen to the fable of being a vegetarian. In the Garden of Eden, we can only wonder if they ate animals, but I believe the first animal killed was after they sinned in the Garden and God had to put them out. Then the skin of an animal who was killed by the Lord Himself for the purpose of clothing Adam and Eve. (Genesis 3:21).

After the fall all animals were then under the curse. Buddhists believe that cows are holy. Many vegetarians don't know that this is the teaching of an evil religion!  They worship animals which is against God. India worships cows and monkeys.  People lay dying in the streets as cows strut around them alive and healthy. What an abomination!

The truth is that one beefsteak has the protein that bones need to be strong. It would take 50 cups of Kale to have the same effect and it must be eaten all at once!  If vegetarians would educate themselves, they would find the folly of not killing animals due to cruelty.  Especially if you are a Christian. Our bodies are made up of protein. It builds cells.

Image result for a picture of a cow

Monday, August 5, 2019

Own It

After being crippled with "Jealousy" from early childhood, God recently put someone sent by Him to help me understand why this ugly thing ruled me, making my life as a Christian miserable!  God is loving and never wants to harm us. He is a loving Father who would never give His children a stone when they asked for bread. (Matthew 7:9) So, why would God not deliver me from this ugly thing that I had asked Him to from the day I was born again?  It seemed unfair that the Lord would let me struggle with something that I hated so much.

God gives each one of His children a "Thorn in the Flesh".  The Apostle Paul asked God to remove his three times and God said, "My Grace is Sufficient for You". (2 Corinthians 12:9) What is your thorn?  Mine is "jealousy".  I hope and pray that you will receive understanding through the Holy Spirit what I'm about to say about it. 

A thorn hurts. It is also ugly. It hurts you and other people. We strive effortlessly to get rid of it. And every time we let it use us we feel like we have failed God allowing Satan to beat us over the head furiously with our defeat. How do we get rid of something that controls us? We don't. We embrace it with the thought "Own It"!  We have a fight on our hands! It is not anything outside of us that causes the thorn to rule us, it is inside of us and therefore we cannot blame anyone or anything for our failure to understand that we must fight against it through the Holy Spirit. It drives us to God for help! It is a matter of growing us in His Holiness. "With God All Things Are Possible".( Matthew 19:26) We can apply this verse to our Thorn. 

Our Heavenly Father is growing us in Holiness so we can live with Him in eternity.  "Without Holiness, No Man Shall See the Lord". (Hebrews 12:14)