Sunday, March 17, 2019

Back To Basics

We are trashing our sons and daughter's minds with the world thoughts about dating.  We are letting them date at a very young age, to begin with for starters.  Here is today's definition of dating:

Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a prospective partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. It is a form of courtship, consisting of social activities done by the couple, either alone or with others.

Here are some radical ideas to add to this definition:

1.  Children should not date until they are eighteen years of age.
2.  They should never be alone with the other person. 
3.  They should never touch either other, not even hold hands.
4.  They should explore the other person's way of thinking.  Do they like children, for example.  Do they respect their parents? 
5.  Is the other person a born again Christian?  This is crucial in today's world.

I would love to take credit for these ideas, but they belong to a well-known pastor.  Christians today are teaching their children the ways of the world and it will end in sorrow.  Be Radical in your thinking and teach the ways of Godly dating to your sons and daughters at a very early age.

Friday, March 1, 2019

The Worm That Eats A Marriage

My love for young people has driven me to write about something that plagues most who are about to embark on the precious union of marriage.  There will be very few who will have the temerity to bear the wisdom of what I'm about to put on the table that belongs to the Lord.

Sex before marriage is the worm that will devour the union making it miserable until one or both mates are born again.  Make no mistake about it, premarital sex is a great sin that will eat at your union for the rest of your life.  It will result in a hard marriage rather than a good one.  There is no such thing on this earth as a perfect marriage, but a good one is possible if you have obeyed God and remained a virgin.  

Oh, that young people would obey the Lord and hasten to these words that I have just written!  They come from God and He so wants to bless your future marriage with good and not sorrow!