Saturday, September 15, 2018

What Is An Effeminate Man?

The word "effeminate" means: 


I Corinthians 6:9 is directly associated with being a homosexual and it says that these will not inherit the Kingdom of God.  Why do some men become feminine?  I do not believe that they are born that way and I know this is true from the experience of having a gay brother in my family.  He didn't turn gay until he was twenty-six years old.  He was deeply in love with a married woman for two years and she chose to stay with her husband when he came home from the Army.  I saw the change in him.  His body language first became like a woman's and then his speech as such.  I never condemned him but witnessed to him constantly.  He moved to another town and there he would live until his death from AIDS at the age of forty-seven.  God gives me much grace over his leaving this world without God.  I talked with him just a couple of weeks before he died and he got angry, telling me not to preach to him.  He died in his living room surrounded by his gay friends.  While he was alive he attended a Gay Church of four hundred men, including the Pastor.  

I wanted to throw in my two cents worth on the subject of why some men become "effeminate".  Divorce would be my first thought.  Women raising boys without a father.  My second thought would be an over-bearing Mother who worshipped her son and wanted to control his life.  Homosexuality has become a sin in this country to the extent that we will have gone way further than Sodom and Gomorrah.  

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Hudson Taylor

As a young man, Hudson Taylor's first job was working in a shoe store.  He was looking forward to his first paycheck.  The week went by and no pay.  The second and then the third.  He decided not to ask his employer for his pay, but rather he went to the Lord in prayer.  The next day he was given his pay without explanation.  He came to know the power of prayer.

Luke 11:1...

It happened that while [a]Jesus was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples.” 

Most of us don't pray as we ought.  I'm burdened in my own life with the lack of it!  May God help us to see that prayer is the key to the Kingdom of God.  May we ask God for the desire to pray.  Why must we be taught?  A question that has plagued every believer.  Isn't it just talking to God?  Whatever the reason it was so important that one of the disciples had to ask Jesus to teach them.  May we do the same.