Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Galatians 6:4-5

Some people seem to have it all together.  They do all the important things in life right on target.  Education, marriage, and then after a couple of years a family.  Nothing wrong with that, but there is a snare we can fall into if we do not know the ways of the devil.  Satan tempts us who belong to the Lord to think that "if" we had done things differently we would be as happy as they.  Some people are living their lives better than others, but it is a sin to compare our lives with their lives.

Galatians 6:4-5

"Don’t compare yourself with others. Just look at your own work to see if you have done anything to be proud of. 5 You must each accept the responsibilities that are yours".

There are football players making millions while soldiers are making 18,000.00 a year.  Is this fair?  I can report to you that what seems unfair to us is very fair to God.  He predestined everything before anything was made.  God is just in all that He has done and will do.  

So the next time you catch yourself wishing you had someone else's life, think about this verse.  It will help because the wisdom of God will overcome thoughts that come from the enemy.

Image result for a picture of a happy person

Monday, October 2, 2017

Why Are We Sick?

When Adam sinned the world fell into a lost state, spiritually and physically.  We are under the curse in which dwells sickness, disease, and death.  There are, however, some things we can do to avoid some illnesses.   This requires wisdom and application to one's habits.  Obesity is the number one killer today.  Not all who are overweight have sinned through gluttony.  Some have a problem in the body that cannot be corrected.  This is most unfortunate, but many are sick due to the bad habits of over eating in our life.

This is nothing new, of course, but with so many diets out there and fitness programs where is the answer that we seek with so much diligence?  It's not an easy one, but through God's Word and asking for a breakthrough we can have victory over this thing that can and will kill us.  My objective is to help and not to condemn anyone in this article.  If you are one out of so many who can accept the answer then I want to encourage you to "stay the course".

What can we do to reach this victory?  We desire health and not good looks first of all.  Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are required to take good care of them.  Out of God's mercy we can be more well than we are right now.  Food is a spiritual was used to cause the fall of mankind!  We never see it as a battle though, we excuse it as a blessing and therefore to be enjoyed.  This is partly true, the other part is that it is also something to fight against.  Excusing is the problem and the answer is facing it as the cause of why we are so sick today.  If you have read this far, then please finish.  Ask the Lord for a breakthrough and He will give it to you.  This information is not for all, but for those who can receive it, may the Lord bless you abundantly with better health in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior forever!