Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The movie "Frozen" has topped one billion dollars.  It has risen above the highest Disney movie "The Lion King" which brought in 986 million.  A mother stated that she had taken her daughter to see "Frozen" over a dozen times now.  Why is it so popular?  In 1960 Disney produced "Pollyanna", the story of an orphaned girl whose father was a missionary. In 1962 they came out with "Parent Trap" which told the story of divorced parents who got back together.  These were loved movies by parents and children.

"Frozen" has captured the minds of children like no other movie put out by Disney.  Should we, as Christians, be concerned about it?  We should keep in mind that movies make an impression on us, as we can see today how the "Cinderella Syndrome" plays a big part in destroyed marriages.  It has been studied by the Psychiatric Association for decades. What will children glean from this new movie?

In years to come they will probably come up with a "Frozen" Syndrome.  It will contain the "No need for God" which leads us into a world with no rules...like the song says in the movie "no rules".  This is nothing new, but maybe it is the rehash of an old happening we saw in the rebellion of the 1960's against parents in a way that had not been seen before. Also the sacrificing of unborn children for the sake of a 'me' generation.  

The minds of children are like sponges and make no mistake about it they are soaking up all of the trash the world has to offer.  Guard their hearts and minds dear Parents!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I want to share the life and ministry of Bertha with you.  The calling of God came upon her life at the wonderful age of seventy.  She would for the next twenty years visit Baptist pastors at every opportunity that God gave her.  Very small in physique and thin as a rail, she was a bomb shell when it came to what God had called her to do in the last twenty years of her life. She would ask the pastor [in his private chambers] if he had any unconfessed sins in his life. She had been saved as a young woman, married and raised a family.  At the age of seventy she had the desire to speak to pastors about their walk with the Lord.

Old age and health problems that come with it, didn't detour her from God's calling.  I wanted to share her life with you so we might become inspired to do whatever the Lord has called us to do.  You might be called to pray for your Grandchildren daily or you might be sent to the streets of Las Vegas to witness.  Whatever the call, God has given it to us and will give us the strength to do it.  

Today Bertha would be 119 years young.  May we all be filled with the God-given courage that she had.  There are many women who have done wondrous things, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised...Proverbs 31:30.