Monday, November 18, 2013

One Brownie

After much thought it behooves me to warn people about eating too much white flour and too much sugar.  Sounds simple I know, but in all reality these are the two killers among us in the Church today!  Our bodies are created by the living God and we are not to abuse them.(I Corinthians 6: 19-20). This article will address the Body of Christ.  There are some illnesses we cannot control, but most of them we can.

Heart disease and type 2 diabetes are illnesses brought on ourselves.  Today we are a "fast" generation and it is killing us!  Are we not warned in God's Word that if we are given to appetite then we should put a knife to our throats? (Proverbs 23:2).  I know you have heard this over and over about eating habits, but have we looked at it through God's Word?  Will over eating send you to hell?  No, but do you really want to leave your family so soon? I'm not a health food fanatic, but it is heavy on my heart that our children are so obese and some will even die from it!

When we go to a fast food place on a regular basis we do harm to ourselves. The Word tells us to do everything in "Moderation"!  There is an old saying, "It is alright to eat one brownie, but not the whole pan". 

May God help us to take care of our bodies so that we might serve the Lord with energy and have a good testimony to the world.  When you see an obese preacher, what is your first thought?  Oh, God deliver us from an ungodly appetite in the name of Jesus Christ!  Give us strength to do it Lord! Amen. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013


In the spring of 1970 my heart became burdened about abortion.  I had received some information from Knights of Columbus and what I saw broke me into tears.  After all this time God has reminded me of something that is very important.  At that time the law in Missouri was abortion could only be done if the life of the Mother was in danger.  In this information sent to me I learned that there was an organization called the ACLU who would soon be coming up against the US Senate to legalize abortion.  

In the information I got from Knights of Columbus it said that if every "district" in the United States had only 500 signatures on a legal petition then they could win the fight against this group who wanted abortion on demand.  I went to a local lawyer and he was pro-life so he gladly drew up a petition for me costing only $5.00.  They were placed inside Churches and I went door to door for signatures.  A week later I went to pick up the petitions from Churches.  There was a total of eleven signatures!!  Disappointment could not have covered what I was feeling at that time.  The pastor of one Church was embarrassed and told me that he was sorry, but people were comfortable with the present law in Missouri.  How did my effort turn out going door to door?  I got two signatures.  One woman told me that her son had turned out to be a homosexual and she wished he had never been born!

What if every Church in the United States would sign this petition?  It would over turn Roe vs Wade, but you know I'm wondering if there would be anymore signatures today than back then?  Of course, we know that abortion on demand was legalized on January 22, 1973.  There are lots of petitions online, every time you see one please take the time to sign it.  

Thank you and May God stop the insanity of killing unborn human beings!